

分类: 英语口语 


Having more girls in the classroom could help boost boys' results, a study has found.


It suggests that boys' performance in reading is significantly better in schools where the majority of pupils were female.


This may be because female pupils have higher concentration levels and motivation to perform well - and this attitude rubs off on boys.


The study analysed the reading scores of more than 200,000 15-year-olds in mixed-sex schools around the world who took part in the 2009 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) tests.


Researchers found that schools with more than 60 per cent girls, a large proportion of students with highly educated parents and a large proportion of college-educated teachers had higher scoring students on the reading test.


'Boys particularly seemed to be positively affected by a high proportion of female students in a school,' the study says.


Characteristics more commonly associated with female pupils were higher concentration levels and motivation to perform well.


This may help to explain their positive influence in the classroom, the researchers suggest.


The study did note that the proportion of highly educated teachers and the socio-economic make-up of schools did not benefit boys more than girls.


Lead author DrMargriet van Hek, of Utrecht University in the Netherlands, told the Press Association: 'We propose that girls find it easier to concentrate in class, but also that they are more motivated to read.

荷兰乌得勒支大学的Margriet van Hek博士,该研究的首席作者,告诉新闻社:“我们发现女孩子在课堂生更容易集中注意,而且也乐于阅读。”

'Studies have shown that girls like reading more, are better readers and read more often in their spare time.


'In short, girls make for a more stimulating learning environment', she said.


Instead of focusing on 'success' at school, we should be teaching them how to be better at being social, navigate relationships and be good citizens in a community, researchers in July found.


Instead, we should focus on the 'six Cs' of parenting, says Professor Hirsh-Pasek and her co-author Roberta Golinkoff from the University of Delaware.

来自特拉华大学的Hirsh-Pasek教授和她的合作者Roberta Golinkoff共同认为,我们更应在在以下六个方面对学生进行督导。

This is collaboration, communication, content, critical thinking, creative innovation and confidence – listed in order of importance.



