

分类: 英语口语 


Nanjing Golden Eagle World has been described as Asia's largest shopping mall. That's a peculiar distinction, given that the seven biggest malls—typically defined by gross leasable area—are all in Asia, with four of them in China. But there’s no question it’s a behemoth, with over 500,000 sq m of “commercial and affiliated area” having opened to the public on November 18. The total floor space will rise to 920,000 sq m by the end of 2018, when three office towers, each over 300m tall, are scheduled for completion.

南京金鹰世界(Nanjing Golden Eagle World)是亚洲最大的购物商场。这种说法有些奇怪,因为七座最大的商场(按照租借面积计算)都坐落在亚洲,中国就有四座。不过南京金鹰世界的确是座庞然大物,占地50万平方米,地处商业区,企业众多。11月18日金鹰世界正式营业,到2018年年底将扩大到92万平方米,届时三座办公大楼都将建成,每座高达300米。

The mall houses 400 international brands including Chanel and SK-II, a duplex bookstore designed by Japanese chain Tsutaya, a basement pet store, a premium supermarket, and a 20,000 sq m Automobile Museum.


Bigger hasn’t always been better when it comes to malls in China. Widely considered the biggest mall in the world, the South China Mall in Dongguan has almost 660,000 sq m of leasable space, a Sphinx, and an Arc de Triomphe, but in the decade following its opening in 2005, less than 10 percent of it was occupied. By 2011, that number fell to less than one percent. It was so empty it became known as a “ghost mall”.

中国商场也不是越大越好。东莞的中国南方商城(South China Mall)是世界最大的商城,租借面积达66万平米,有Sphinx漫画工作室和凯旋门(Arc de Triomphe)。但是,2005年中国南方商城开业后十年间,店铺租赁率不足10%。2011年,租赁店铺数量不足1%,空荡荡的商场因此得名“空城”。

Chinese malls often fail because they have the wrong mix of retail and non-retail space, with many malls in China recently recalibrating the ratio down from 70-80 percent retail to just 50 percent.


Whether or not Nanjing Golden Eagle World has the right mix, brokerage firm DBS Vickers is anticipating a strong three years for Chinese malls due to higher salaries and house prices, plus tighter controls on money leaving the country.

不管金鹰商城的零售业占比是否合适,星展唯高达香港有限公司(DBS Vickers)还是满心期待着中国商场未来三年的繁荣,毕竟中国工资和房价都在上涨,而且对外投资管控严格。


