

分类: 英语口语 

Former US first lady Barbara Bush has died at the age of 92.


Her death was announced in a statement from the office of George HW Bush, the former president and Ms Bush's husband. A funeral date is yet to be announced.


Born in New York, Ms Bush met George HW Bush at a school dance as a teenager.


They raised their family in Texas, where the Bush family became a formidable political dynasty.


“Barbara Bush was a fabulous First Lady and a woman unlike any other who brought love and literacy to millions,” former president George W Bush said in a statement. “To us, she was so much more. Mom kept us on our toes and kept us laughing until then”.



Tributes poured in from across the political spectrum.


Donald Trump and his wife Melania released a statement lauding her efforts to promote literacy and her role as “an advocate of the American family”.


“She will long be remembered for her strong devotion to country and family, both of which she served well”, the statement said.


Barack and Michelle Obama hailed Ms Bush “for the way she lived her life - as a testament to the fact that public service is an important and noble calling; as an example of the humanity and decency that reflects the very best of the American spirit”.


The statement announcing Ms Bush's death noted she was a “relentless proponent of family literacy”, a cause that led her to launch the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy, which seeks to boost reading and writing skills.


She also saw both her husband and her son become president of the United States.


After her husband George HW Bush governed from 1989 to 1993, Ms Bush's son George W Bush was elected to two terms in 2000 and in 2004. Her son Jeb Bush served as governor of Florida.


She made no secret of her dislike for Mr Trump, saying in February of 2016 that she was “sick of him”.



