

分类: 英语口语 

Kristen Stewart was seen removing her heels while walking down the red carpet at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)在今年的戛纳影展走红毯时脱了高跟鞋。

Some believe she did so in order to take a stand against the dress code of the film festival, which has caused controversy in the past for supposedly dictating that all female guests wear heels.


Last year, Stewart expressed her opposition over the expectations that women must dress in a specific way when asked about the dress codes for men and women.


“There's definitely a distinct dress code right, people get very upset at you if you don't wear heels or something, whatever,” she told The Hollywood Reporter.

斯图尔特告诉媒体The Hollywood Reporter:“两者之间的穿衣规定明显不同,如果不穿高跟鞋或者规定的服饰,大家都会表示很失望。”


“But I feel like you can't ask people that anymore, it's just kind of a given, like if you're not asking guys to wear heels and a dress you cannot ask me either.”


The actress, who is on the panel for this year's competition jury at Cannes alongside the likes of Cate Blanchett and Ava DuVernay, has been praised for her decision to go barefoot on the red carpet. 

斯图尔特、凯特·布兰切特(Cate Blanchett)和阿娃·杜威内(Ava DuVernay)等是今年戛纳影展的评委之一,因为赤脚走红毯一事广受好评。

“The most honest representation of every woman's true desires!” one person wrote on Twitter.


“I'd take mine off too, wearing them ALL DAY kills your feet,” another individual commented. 


“Why is [Cannes Film Festival] so difficult with this ‘no-flats’ rule?”



