

分类: 英语学习方法 

他们俩有情无缘。 The are attracted to each other but are not fated to be conjugally tied.

机缘凑巧,我找到一份工作。 As luck would have it, I found a job.

有缘千里来相会,无缘对面不相逢。 As decreed by providence you have met him; otherwise you might have failed although you traveled a long way.

我发现班里有几个同学和我挺投缘。 I found quite a few classmates congenial to me.

我在班里有人缘。 I am popular with my classmates.

真遗憾,我们一直无缘相见。 It is a pity that we have no opportunity to meet each other.

兄弟及表兄弟有血缘关系联系着。 Brothers and cousins are united by ties of consanguinity.

他化缘为生。 He followed the life of a mendicant.

为盖新厂房他四处化缘。 He went about seeking financial help from the sponsers to build new workshops.

外缘 outer fringes

攀援 climb up

缘木求鱼 climb up a tree to look for fish

他若想那样解决问题,无异缘木求鱼。 He would be milking a bull if he tried to settle the prblem that way.

有巨人的肩膀可攀缘,侏儒看得比巨人还远。 The dwarf sees farther than the giant, when he has the giant's shoulders to mount on.

缘故 reason; cause; sake

缘由 reason; cause

