
三十五种说爱的方式 (下)

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 17:15:13 

    ● 爱校如家 love the school as dearly as one does one's own home

● 永远相爱 love each other with an undying affection

● 疼爱某人 dearly love sb.; set one's affection on sb.

● 终生钟爱妻子 retain a tender affection for one's wife to the end of one's life

● 真诚[温柔,疯狂,盲目]地爱 love sincerely [tenderly, wildly, blindly]

● 专一[忠诚]地爱某人 love sb. devotedly [loyally]

● 至死不渝地爱某人 love sb. to the day of one's death

● 炽热地爱…… have a burning love for...

● 爱上某人 fall in love with sb.; grow tender of sb.

● 爱子女 feel affection to one's children; have an affection for one's children

● 表示对某人的爱 show love to sb.

● 公开表示对某人的爱 declare one's love to sb.

● 渴望得到某人的爱 desire the love of sb.

● 需要母爱 need a mother care

● 怀疑某人对……的爱 doubt sb.'s love for...

● 博得某人的爱 earn sb.'s love; win sb.'s love

● 保持对某人的爱 keep one's affection of sb.; retain one's love for sb.

● 激起对……的爱 inspire a love for.

