冒名顶替 identity theft
A teacher who allegedly helped a relative get into university bystealing the identity of one of his students has been expelled from the Party and demoted, an official said.
An investigation led by a county official and a Party discipline official has been launched into the circumstances surrounding the identity theft, which went undetected for almost 10 years.
由当地县政府和纪委官员带领的调查组已经着手调查这一隐藏近十年的 “冒名顶替”事件背后相关情况。
上面的报道中,steal identity和identity theft都是“盗用身份”或者“冒名顶替”的英文表达,只不过前者表示行为,而后者则指代这一罪名,那个“冒名顶替者”叫做imposter。这里的identity包含如ID card(身份证),driver’s license(驾照)等可以证明一个人身份的所有信息。
基本上,imposter(冒名顶替者)都得小心翼翼地行为做事,而且要sink one’s identity(隐瞒自己的历史),一旦不小心看到了自己曾经的历史身份,还得坚决地解释说It’s a false/mistaken identity(这个人不是我)。