

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 17:10:48 

1. 白衣执甲、逆行出征

Heedless of their own safety, medical workers headed for the frontline against the virus.

2. 闻令即动、勇挑重担

to respond promptly when called upon and assume great responsibilities

3. 新时代最可爱的人

the most admirable people in the new era

4. 医务工作者是光明的使者、希望的使者,是最美的天使,是真正的英雄。

Medical workers are symbols of brightness and hope, the most beautiful angels and real heroes.

5. 战胜疫情的中坚力量

core forces in victory over the epidemic

6. 全国哀悼日

a national day of mourning

7. 默哀三分钟

to observe three minutes of silence to mourn the deceased

8. 轻症患者

patients with mild symptoms

9. 重症患者

patients in severe or critical condition

