
如何用英语表达不耐烦 impatience

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:17:18 

It's rather boring. 真烦人!

It's too crowded here. 这里太挤了!

It's already six o'clock. 已经六点了。

It's too late . 太晚了。

Be quick! 快点!

Hurry up ,or we'll be late. 快点,要不然就晚了。

Is it really that difficult to understand? 真的那么难吗?

We had scarcely a free moment the whole day long. 我们一整天几乎都没有休息时间。

We have worked day and night for a whole week. 我们已夜以继日地工作了一整周。

We have to work enght hours day after day. 我们每天都得工作8小时。

We have written our dissertations day in and day out for a whole term,without a holiday. 我们已连续写了一个学期的论文,一天也没有休息。

We have been driving the car night and day for four days. 我们日夜兼程已四天了。

We've studied at all day long. 我们已学习一整天了。

I'm bored with my daily routine. 我对日常工作已受够了。

I was bored to death going the same thing. 做重复性的工作真烦死人。

