

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:16:37 
应用会话部分:一、坦率的表达:1. Happiness (3)12) I will be very glad when I receive the letter.    如能接到你的来信,我将会非常高兴。13) Jenny is delighted with her poem.    珍妮为自己做的诗感到高兴。14) His friend was filled with joy over the good news.    他的朋友因得知这个好消息而雀跃。15) You will leap for joy when you hear the answer.    如果你听到了答案,你会高兴的跳起来的。16) She was so happy that she shed tears of delight.    她因为太幸福了,所以喜极而泣。17) John's parents will rejoice at his safe return.    约翰的双亲会因他的安然归来而惊喜万分。18) Aren't you relieved that your puppy was finally found?    你的小狗终于找回来了,你应该安心了吧?

