

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:15:59 

Oliver Lutz Radtke: Chinglish allows travelers to have a window into the Chinese mind.



有道理,谁说中式英文就一定是错误的?在英语国家被广泛使用的“Long time no see(好久不见)”不就是标准的Chinglish吗,还有世界上最有名的Chinglish——kung fu( 功夫)和drink tea(饮茶)。在数量不断增加的英语词汇中,难道就不能有Chinglish的一席之地?

Personal Background 个人资料

纪韶融,出生于德国陶努斯山区的霍夫海姆。曾经在美国北部和南部长期旅行和工作,穿行在城市巨人和加拉帕戈斯群岛之间。2000年到2006年他在海德堡大学和上海外国语大学攻读现代汉语专业,辅修世界历史和世界哲学。他每年都会来中国旅行。他做过自由记者和公关专员,如今在新加坡的一家电视新闻制作中心工作。他认为,用写作来和世界对话对他自身很重要。最近他出版了关于中国的第一本书——《Welcome to Presence》(身临其境),描绘了一幅中国城市居民的生活画卷。目前他正在写的第二本书叫做《中式英语——翻译中的发现》。对纪韶融来说,中式英文是英文词汇和中文语法结合的奇妙产物。

Bilingual Time: When did you start this blog and what for?


Oliver: Some instances in life happen with such intensity that they may well be regarded as the starting point for a wonderful friendship or a lifelong passion. I had such a moment on July 25th 2000. I was about to get out of a taxi near the Shanghai Foreign Languages University, where I had recently started my scholarship year as a Chinese major student, when a neat sticker on the inside of the door told me: "Don't forget to carry your thing", in Chinese literally meaning “别忘记带走你的‘小弟弟’”… Chinglish fascinated me immediately. My affection grew over the years as I travelled the provinces and spotted them throughout - in the least expected places - as constant reminders of the fascinating language they spring from, a language that can grow linguistic treasures like the ones on display in my blog. As a journalist and book author conditioned to spot unusual expressions, they hit me everywhere in China. I started this blog in June 2005, so it has been two years now. I started collecting Chinglish in the spring of 2000 when I came to China for the first time.

纪韶融:生命中那些伟大的友谊和长达一生的激情,常常因为一个偶然。对我来说,2000年7月25日便是那个意义非常的偶然的开始。那阵子我刚拿了奖学金去上外学中文,那天我打车回学校,下车时把一个小东西落在车上了,我下车时听到司机对我说“Don't forget to carry your thing”,这种逐字翻译让我很容易想到“别忘记带走你的‘小弟弟’”……我立刻开始对这种中式英语着迷。而随着我的足迹踏遍中国的各个省市,并能够去发掘城市深层的文化,我愈加喜爱中式英语。我起初没对这些地方有多少期待,可旅途中无处不在的中国式英语却时刻提醒着我,这些语言财富正是在这些地方萌芽生长,我博客里那些例子很多都是从这里来的。我当过记者,也写过书,所以我对语言中的非常规用语十分敏感,而在中国,这些惊喜无处不在。我2005年6月开博,现在刚好是两周年纪念,而资料的收集却早在2000年春天,我第一次来中国时就开始了。

Beijing, in the wake of the 2008 Olympics, is gearing up an immense amount of manpower to eradicate Chinglish from the capital and planning to extend this linguistic cleansing to the rest of the country. My aim is to show the nowadays endangered species of Chinglish beauties in their natural habitat and try to make the reader understand one thing: to see Chinglish as the wonderful result of an English dictionary meeting Chinese grammar.


It is not my intention to offend anyone, and it never will be. Chinglish.de carries a disclaimer saying "This is about passion, not mockery." I mean what I say. I have lived, studied and worked in China, have taught English there, have been mocked about my hilarious mistakes in speaking Chinese many times, and I have shared all this fun with friends, Chinese and Non-Chinese alike. These friendships have greatly contributed to my first book Welcome to Presence - Abenteuer Alltag in China (Adventurous Daily Life in China) that was published in Germany this year.

For me, Chinglish is not wrong English, but English with Chinese characteristics. Of course, there are mistakes that should be corrected. For example, if a tourist doesn't know what to make of a "wife man lung slice" which is just pork 夫妻肺片, or even more important if he is allergic to somethings and needs to know what ingredients are really used. But in general Chinglish allows travelers to have a window into the Chinese mind.

我不是想要去冒犯谁,永远也不会想去冒犯谁。我在我的博客Chinglish.de的首页就声明:“这是热情的体现,而绝非嘲笑。”我言行一致地遵循着这一承诺。我在中国生活过,学习过,工作过,也在中国教过英语,也曾经无数次因为说中文时犯可笑的错误而被大家嘲笑,我也把这些笑料同我的中国朋友和其它国家的朋友们一起分享。我今年在德国出版的第一本书《Welcome to Presence - Abenteuer Alltag in China (Adventurous Daily Life in China)》得到了这些朋友的鼎力帮助。在我眼中,中国式英语并不是错误的英语,而是带有中国特色的英语。当然,中国式英语中的很多错误还是需要改正的。比方说,如果一个游客不知道被翻译成“wife man lung slice”的夫妻肺片的原料其实是猪肉的话,就容易引起很多误会;或者更重要的,如果游客对某些原料过敏,而中式英语却不能体现出来,就更麻烦了。但是大致来说,中国式英语是外国游客了解中国式思维的一扇窗户。
Bilingual Time: Generally, who posts entries to your blog? Chinese or foreigners? If they all do, then what's the proportion?


Oliver: Most posts are my own pictures since I really have a lot, I lived in China for 2 years in total, and I travel there each year at least once. I think I will never stop seeing Chinglish there. Nearly all of my contributors are foreigners, that is, American-born Chinese or German friends or English-speaking academics. Most of the latter wish to remain anonymous, though, fearing colleagues' reactions which really shows the sensitivity of the issue, still, I think it's a pity.


Bilingual Time: Where do you find Chinglish? In Beijing, Shanghai, or Taiwan?


Oliver: A small percentage is from Taiwan for two reasons: most of my friends are in China and Taiwanese English is better while more signs are proofread in Taiwan. Most Chinglish is from Mainland China and literally from all over the country, since I travel a lot around China and my contributors do the same. Of course, nowadays you find most Chinglish in more rural provinces such as Hebei or Hunan and in tourist spots, such as Lushan or Gugong. Since I have lived in Beijing and in Shanghai, a lot of the displayed Chinglish is from there.


Bilingual Time: What do you think about Chinglish?


Oliver: Chinglish is not solely incorrect English; it is English with Chinese characteristics. Of course, there are mistakes that should be corrected. I do not deny that I greatly enjoy many of the sometimes faulty translations I have put online. But so do thousands of other readers of my blog. At the same time we are not putting down China or the Chinese. I know that because I read my readers' comments carefully, in English, Chinese and German. Linguistic variations exist in any language including my mother tongue - there are wonderful German websites making fun of the language - and they possess a creative potential that we should cherish more.


Chinglish is also funny because of the sometimes scarily direct nature of the new meaning produced by the translation. A "deformed man toilet” in Shanghai or an “Anus Hospital” in Beijing are funny because they instantly destroy linguistic euphemisms we Westerners have carefully built up when talking about sensitive topics. Chinglish annihilates these conventions straight away. Chinglish is right in your face.

中国式英语很有趣,有时候是从中文到英文一个字一个字地翻译过去的,给英语词汇创造了不少新意,但有些直白得可怕。上海的“deformed man toilet”和北京的“Anus Hospital”让人觉得有趣是因为它们顷刻就破坏了西方人辛辛苦苦形成的在遇到敏感话题时的委婉用语。中国式英语天然去雕饰,把习惯丢在脑后。中式英语直奔主题,不拐弯抹角。

In general Chinglish allows travellers to have a window into the Chinese mind. At the same time, the re-interpretation of a language allows for a tremendous amount of humour, and humour is, and always has been, a form of communication across cultures. It is my sincerest hope that Chinglish.de will continue to be understood as a bridge, rather than a border.




We two, who and who


Give you some color to see see


Heart flower angry open


Handsome Year, Morning Die


Good good Study, Day day up




前台小姐:"Hello." 美国人:"Hi." 前台小姐:"You have what thing?" 美国人:"Can you speak English?" 前台小姐:"If I not speak English,I am speaking what?" 美国人:"Can anybody else speak English?" 前台小姐:"You yourself look. All people are playing,no people have time,you can wait,you wait,you not wait,you go!" 美国人:"Good heavens, anybody here speak English?" 前台小姐:"Shout what shout, quiet a little, you one people have what thing? " 美国人:"I want to speak to your manager. " 前台小姐:"Head not zai. You tomorrow come." 美国人吐血……


Correcting China's English Signs Demands Immediate Attention







