

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2024-03-25 03:52:09 


It’s dirt cheap.

美国人用dirt cheap来形容价钱便宜,意思是像土“dirt”一样地cheap。very cheap也是“很便宜”的意思,但是说dirt cheap,会让人觉得在便宜程度上更胜一筹。相反,形容“贵得离谱”可以用exorbitant。

此外,A dime a dozen也是“很便宜”的意思。这句话直译是“一打一毛钱”,所以又表示“非常多”的意思。

例如:Apples used to be very expensive in Taiwan, but now a days they are a dim e adozen.以前苹果在台湾非常贵,现在却很便宜。

Ph.D.’s are a dime a dozen.有博士学位的满街都是。


Dialogue One

A:Do you have any plans for this weekend?

B:I think I’ll take my wife to LasVegas. Hotel rooms are dirt cheap in sin city these days.


B:Yeah. Look at this ad. Only $30 for a double room. The price includes show tickets and buffet breakfast for two!

A:Wow,that cheap? Why don’t we go together?

Dialogue Two

A:What kind of man would you like to marry?

B:Lawyers are a dime a dozen. I’d rather marry a doctor.

A:Ph.D.’s are a dime a dozen,too. Aren’t they?

B:I meant a medical doctor.


表示便宜的还可以说:It’s a steal.曾经有一位女士指着自己的牛仔裤对同事说This was really a steal.同事听罢以为是这位女士偷的,就悄悄问她You mean you really stole them?(这真是你偷来的吗?)。这位女士笑着说No,I didn’t. I just said it was a real goodbuy.(不是啦,我没有偷。我只是说这东西很便宜。)买到便宜货时,我们会说“捡到了。”steal的原意是“偷”或“偷来的东西”,但也表示“便宜得跟偷来的没两样”。Cheap除了“便宜”的意思,还意味着“品质差”。

She’s showing off her cheap earrings.她在炫耀她的廉价耳环。


A:That’s a very pretty dress.

B:Thank you. It was a steal.

A:How much did you pay?

B:Only twenty-five dollars.

A:That’s a goodbuy. Where did you buy it?

B:At Robinson’s. It was on sale.


★It’s dirt cheap.|

★They are a dime a dozen.

★Ph.D.’s a dime a dozen.

★It’s a steal.

★It was a real goodbuy.

