

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-11 13:21:47 

    21-----Too good to be ture

This is often used to warn about advertising. An offer looks good but turns out to be misleading.

22-----Flattery will get you nowhere

If flattery (insincere praise) is recognized, it will not succeed. One sometimes hears the opposite, Flattery will get you everywhere.

23-----There is no such thing as a free lunch

If someone you do not know offers you a free lunch or other gift, watch out. The gift may be a method of getting something from you.

24------Pride goes before a fall

Do not be over-confident and careless. Your circumstances may change quickly and the emptiness of your bragging will be exposed.

25------Better safe than sorry

It is better not to take a risk than to take a risk foolishly.

 26-----Winning isn't everything

One may enjoy the process of playing a game whether one wins or not. This traditional proverb is now often heard in the opposite form, Winning isn't everything. It's the only thing!

27------Time will tell

Wait and see how something will work out. Don't trust a person or thing too much right now.

28-----The burned child shuns fire

Some of life's lessons are learned the hard way. The person who has had to pay for a mistake will be careful not to make that mistake again.

29-----There are other fish in the sea

There are opportunities! For example, this may be used to encourage someone who has just broken off a relationship with a sweetheart.
30-----Don't count your chickens before they are hatched

Do not become too confident of success before you can see that progress is happening.    

