

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:15:45 

    161-----Spare the rod and spoil the child

An undisciplined child will turn out to be a rotten person. Many parents think that any physical punishment of children is abusive, while many others think that without it, children grow up to be morally retarded.

162-----Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me

A taunt used by people claiming that an insult did not affect them.

163-----The worm turns

Everything chnages. Do not expect situations or people to stay the same for very long.

164-----You are what you eat

A nation's diet can be more revealing than it's art or literature.

165-----Marriages are made in heaven

God is the source of human love and the one who destines two individuals to be married. This proverb is going out of fashion since it goes against individual freedom.

166-----If you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

If you do something good for me, I should do something good for you.

167-----Office politics are secret and dirty and there is never an end to it

To survive, be patient--watch, listen and say little; to win, be patient--survive, plan and then strike swiftly.

168-----Work smarter, not harder

Get others to do as much as they can for you.

169-----Time heals all wounds

The damage done by a conflict is like a wound that will heal naturally over time if it is not re-injured.

170-----No news is good news

If a friend is travelling and one does not hear from him/her, one may assume that everything is going well. As another proverb says, Bad news travels fast.

