
英语口语 和他人交谈互动时的常用表达

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:14:27 


Shall we begin……/Let's start with……/OK,shall we make a start……?


Let's move on to the next item……/The next question on the agenda is……


You mentioned that... but from my point of view.../As far as I'm concerned.../Well,the point I 'm trying to make is that.../I suggest that.../Personally,I think.../To the best of my knowledge.../It has come to my attention that...


Apart from that.../Not only that.../On the other hand.../And another hand...


What do you think about this?/What's your opinion on it?/What do you think?/Don't you think so?


That's a good idea/an excellent idea./That's very interesting./I'm sure we'd all agree with that./That's a very good point/an important point.

