
take the field 运动员登场,上场

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:11:33 

Take the field 用来描述在体育比赛中,运动员登场,准备开始比赛时的场景。


Hurry up, the player are about to take the field.  

The spectators gave the England squad a big cheer as they took the field.

The team was about to take the field when the hailstorm started.


表达 level playing field 指的是对每个人来说都公平的竞争环境。


This business is not competing on a level playing field: our competitors receive large government subsidies so their prices are much lower than ours.

The interview process will be a level playing field. Everyone will be asked the same questions. We will make a decision based on the candidates' answers to those questions, rather than what we already know about them.

