
may the best man win 愿最佳者胜出

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:11:31 

英语短语 “May the best man win” 意思是愿最佳者胜出。


My best friend and I are both going for the same job interview. All I can say is, "May the best man win".

I've got tickets for the Wimbledon final! I don't have a favourite player, so may the best man win.

You've both worked very hard for this race, so I know you'll do your best. May the best man win!


如果形容某人是 onto a winner 那么意思就是某人将成为赢家。

I think I'm onto a winner with these new cupcakes – I've sold 100 this morning alone!

We'll be onto a winner if we can set up our ice-cream business before the end of the summer.

