
champagne moment 庆功时刻

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:11:19 

A champagne moment 这个短语的直译是香槟时刻,这是因为西方人惯用香槟酒来庆贺胜利。汉语里我们会说辉煌或庆功的时刻。


Rooney played brilliantly all match but the champagne moment was when he scored his third goal.

Wow, I passed all my exams. That's what I call a champagne moment!

The champagne moment of his political career was when he won the election and became prime minister.


请大家注意不要把香槟时刻 A champagne moment 同另一个短语 in the heat of the moment 相混淆,后者的意思是一时激动或盛怒之下。

In the heat of the moment she told him she wanted a divorce but she didn't really mean it. They were in the middle of a fight when she said it.

