
going downhill 走下坡路

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:11:16 

在英语里,go downhill 这个短语的直接翻译是下山的意思,它也可以用来形容形势越来越糟或者无法控制。


My grandfather's been in hospital for the last month. He wasn't too bad at first, but he's rapidly going downhill.

The company is not making profits – business is really going downhill.

I'm trying to get as much sleep as I can before the baby is born – it all goes downhill from there!


另有一个短语是 an uphill struggle 一场困难的斗争,用来形容某件事情很难办到或者需要付出很多的心血才能完成。

Finishing my degree whilst holding down a full-time job was a real uphill struggle.

He has just been made redundant and his wife's expecting twins – the next couple of months are going to be a real uphill struggle for them.

