
steal the show 抢尽风头

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:11:16 

短语 to steal the show 意思是在大庭广众之下抢镜头,出风头。


I thought Adele stole the show at the Brit Awards. She was simply amazing.

You were fantastic in your school play. You really stole the show!

All the performers were good, but the magician stole the show. He was incredible.


在形容某个表演特别精彩/抢尽风头的时候,我们可以用很多词汇来形容 good/great, 比如:mind-blowing, incredible, fantastic, amazing, superb, excellent, exceptional, marvellous, terrific, spectacular or wonderful.

The show was mind-blowing. I've never seen anything as spectacular!

The music was terrific at last night's concert.

Oh, it was a marvellous play! The actors were superb.

