
牛津实用英语语法 245 表示知道和思想等的动词之后的不定式

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:08:18 
A 在 assume, believe, consider, feel, know, suppose, understand 等之后可接宾语+ to be:I consider him to be the best candidate. 我认为他是最佳人选。但that+普通动词的结构比这常用得多:I consider that he is the best candidate.(译文同上。)宾语+不定式与 think, estimate和 presume 等动词连用是极少见的。这种表达方法常用that从句来代替:I think that he is the best player.我认为他是最好的演奏家/演员/运动员。It is estimated that the vase is 2,000 years old. 据估计这个花瓶有两千年历史。B 然而,如果这些动词是以被动形式出现的,那么它们后面常常带不定式而不是带that结构:He is known to be honest.相当于:It is known that he is honest.众所周知,他是个老实人。He is thought to be the best player相当于:It is thought that he is… 人们认为他是最好的演奏家/演员/运动员。This vase is estimated to be 2,000 years old.据估计这个花瓶有两千年历史。C 注意suppose的被动态时往往有责任或义务之意:You are supposed to know the laws of your own country.你应该懂得你们自己国家的法律。相当于:It is your duty to know/You are expected to know…你有义务懂/人们认为你该懂……D 在这些动词后面也可以用不定式的进行式:He is thought to be hiding in the woods. 人们以为他正躲在森林里。(人们认为他正躲着。)He is supposed to be washing the car. 他应该在洗车。(他该正在洗它。)E 如果想到的是早先发生过的动作,则用不定式的完成式:They are believed to have landed in America.人们相信他们在美洲上了岸。(据信他们已登上了。)supppose+不定式的完成式不一定有责任或义务之意。They are supposed to have discovered America.相当于:It is thought that they did. 人们认为是他们发现了美洲。但 You are supposed to have read the instructions(你应已看过操作说明)通常意味着你本应看过。(关于动词的被动式之后的不定式结构,另参见第306节。)

