
牛津实用英语语法 247 用to代表的不定式

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:08:18 
为了避免重复,不定式可只用一个to来代表。这种用法主要用于下列动词之后: hate, hope, intend, would like/love,make(被动语态),mean, plan, try, want;也用于助动词如have, need, ought之后时以及与 used to, be able to和 be go-ing to结构连用时:—Would you like to come with me?—Yes, I’d love to.—你愿意和我一起走吗?—是的,我愿意。—Did you get a ticket?—No, I tried to, but there weren’t any left.—你有票了吗?—没有,我尽力找了,可一张也没有了。—Why did you take a taxi?—I had to(take one).I was late.—你为什么坐出租汽车?—我不得不坐。(因为)我晚了。—Do you ride?—Not now but I used to.—你骑马吗?—我现在不骑了,但以前骑。He wanted to go but he wasn’t able to.他想去,但去不了。—Have you fed the dog?—No, but I’m just going to.—你喂过狗了吗?—没有,我这就要去呢。

