

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:05:58 


disappear动词“不见,消失”,例:The sun disappeared behind a cloud.太阳在云层后面消失了。

appear动词1“出现,显露”2“出场,问世”,例:My new book will be appearing in the shops next month.我的书下个月就可以在书店里出售。

其名词appearance名词1“出现,出场,露面”,例:His sudden appearance surprised her.他突然的到来令她非常惊讶。2“外表,外貌,外观”,例:Don’t judge by appearances.不要以貌取人。

apparent 1“明显的,显而易件的”,例:It was apparent that he knew nothing about how to repair cars.很明显他一点也不知道如何修车。2“表面的,貌似的”,如apparent cause表面原因

transparent“透明的”,如transparent window透明的窗户


fade动词1“褪色”2“衰减,消失(表示渐渐消失)”,例:The memory of sufferings in her childhood will never fade from her mind.她永远都不会忘记童年的痛苦经历。

vanish动词“消失(表示消失化为乌有)”,例:My hopes of success vanished.我成功的希望化为乌有。

disappoint动词“使失望,使扫兴”,例:The book disappointed me.这本书让我感到很失望。

appoint把某人指派到一个地方,动词1“任命,委任”,例:We must appoint a new teacher at once to the mountain school.我们必须新的老师去山村小学。2“约定,指定”,例:They appointed a place to exchange stamps.他们约定一个地方交换邮票。

其名词为appointment 1“任命,委任”2“约定,指定”,短语make an appointment with sb. 与某人约会,call off the appointment取消约会


作名词1“尖,尖端”,如the point of a nail钉子尖,2“点,小数点”,如three point four 3.4,3“分数,得分”4“要点,论点,观点”,例:You have missed the whole point of the novel你已经忽略了这部小说的要点


短语come to the point说要点,on the point of即将……的时候,point out指出


punctual“正点的,准时的,严守时刻的”,例:She is always punctual but her friend is always late.她总是非常守时,而她的朋友总是迟到。

punch动词“打孔”(短语打卡上班下班用punch in / out),如punch a hole in the door to fix up the lock在门上打孔以装锁

disclose动词“揭示,泄露”,例:The president disclosed a fact that he was put into prison wrongly 20 years ago.董事长透露20年前他曾含冤入狱。


作动词1“关,闭”2“结束,了结”,如close a deal中止一场交易

作名词“结束,了结”,如at the close of the meeting在会议结束的时候(这里的close相当于end)

作形容词1(to)“近的,接近的”,如an airport close to town一个非常靠近城镇的机场,短语be close to someplace离某个地方很近,2“关闭着的”3“严密的,紧密的”,例:We keep a close watch on the prisoner.我们严密地看守着这个囚犯。

作副词“接近地,紧密地”,如come close to me向我这边靠近

enclose动词1“围住,圈起”,如enclose the pasture把牧场围起来,2“封入”,例:Enclosed with the application letter is my resume.随申请信附有我的简历。3“附件”,如several enclosures in my envelope信封里有几个附件,作名词“圈起”,例:opposed to the enclosure of common land反对把公共土地圈为私有。其名词为enclosure“围住,圈起,封入,附件”

