

分类: 英语学习方法 

distribute分开来赠予,动词1“分发”,例:They distributed books to students.他们给学生们发书。2“(over)散布”,如distribute grass seeds over the lawn把草种全部散布在草坪里

tribute名词1“贡品”2“颂词,称赞”,例:A doctor pay tribute to his nurses by praising their work.医生称赞护士的工作。

attribute动词(to)1“把…归于”,例:David attributed his company's success to the unity of all the staff.大卫把公司的成功归结于全体员工的团结努力。2“认为…是…所为”,例:The tone is usually attributed to sb.这个曲子通常被认为是某人所做。名词“属性,品质,特征”,例:Kindness is one of his best attributes.仁慈是他的好品格之一。

contribute完全的赠予,动词1“(to)贡献,捐助,捐献”,如to contribute food and clothing for the relief of the poor.捐赠食品和衣服以救助贫民。2“投稿”,如contribute two stories to the magazine给杂志投两投故事

contribution名词“贡献”,短语make contribution to doing sth.对…做出贡献


diffuse(fuse流淌)四处流淌,动词1“(气体,液体)扩散”,例:A drop milk diffused in the water.一滴牛奶在水里扩散开来。2“传播,散布”,如diffuse light / heat / knowledge传送光 / 传导热 / 传播知识,形容词1“(文章等)冗长的,漫无边际的”,如a diffusing writing style一种累赘的写作文体,2“四散的,弥漫的”,如diffuse light散射的光

confuse动词1“混淆”,例:They confused me by asking so many questions.他们提了一大堆问题,把我彻底搞糊涂了。2“使混乱”,例:I was confused by all the noise.一片嘈杂声把我弄得头昏脑胀。

confusion名词1“混乱”,例:Her unexpected arrival threw us into total confusion.她的突然到来让我们不知所措。2“混淆”

refuse动词“拒绝”,名词“废物,垃圾”,如kitchen refuse厨房里的垃圾


disperse动词“分散,驱散,解散”,例:The police dispersed the crowd.警察驱散了人群。A gust of wind dispersed the smoke from the stove.一阵风把炉子里放出的烟驱散了。

sparse“稀疏的,稀少的”,如a sparse population稀疏的人群

distinguish动词1“区别,辨别”,例:Can you distinguish between those two objects? 你能把这两个东西区分开么?2“辨认出”,例:I can distinguish them at a distance.在很远的地方我就能把他们辨别出来。3“使杰出”,例:The young officer distinguished himself many times in the battle.这个年轻的军官每次在战斗中都很风光。

distinct 1“清楚的,明显的”,例:There is a distinct improvement in your study.你的学习有一个非常明显的进步。2“(from)截然不同的”,例:These two suggestions are quite distinct from each other.这两个建议截然不同。

distinction名词“差别,区分”,例:A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary contradictions.我们要区分主要矛盾和次要矛盾。

extinguish动词“熄灭,扑灭”,如extinguish a fire灭火

extinct“熄灭了的,灭绝的”,例:Some of the species of birds are extinct.一些鸟类绝种了。如an extinct volcano死火山


divide动词1“分,划分,分开”2“分配”,例:The prize money will be equally divided among the three winner.奖金会在三个胜利中均分。3“(by)除”,如15 divided by 3 is 5. 15除以3等于5。


division名词1“分,分割”2“部门,科,处”,如foreign division of the company这个公司的外事部,3“除法”

individual不能再分的单元,名词“个体,个人”形容词1“单独的,个人的”,例:Each individual boy in the class has his own personality.这个班上的每个男孩都有自己的个性。2“独特的”,如an individual style of speaking谈话的一种独特的风格

