
词语大辨析精讲 十九

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:05:51 

apparent 显然明白的,表面上的;常用来修饰容易看见或认识的事物
clear 普通用语,凡听清、看清或易于理解的东西都可以用
evident 指以事实为根据,加以推理就很明显,多用于抽象事物和推理,如事实、错误、成功等
obvious 指极为明显,一目了然,不用多说就能清楚的东西
visible 显著的,明显的,可看见的

1.Everyone present ran out for no ____ reason.
A.apparent B.other C.absurd D.strange
2.It is (quite) ____ that he took the wrong path.
A.apparent B.evident C.stupid D.absurd
3.Tom was nowhere in ____.
A.apparence B.evidence C.obviosity D.vision
4.It is ____ that two and two make four.
A.apparent B.evident C.obvious D.visible
5.He talked to the customer with ____ impatience.
A.evident B.clear C.much D.visible
6.It is ____ (that) you have been cheated.
A.clear B.apparent C.regretful D.ignorant

1.Everyone present ran out for no __A__ reason.在场的每个人都莫名其妙地跑掉了.
A.apparent B.other C.absurd D.strange
2.It is (quite) __B__ that he took the wrong path.很显然,他走错了道.(本题选用obvious也是可以的嘛! It is (quite) evident that...很显然...)
A.apparent B.evident C.stupid D.absurd
3.Tom was nowhere in __B__ .到处都看不到汤姆.(in evidence 明显的,显眼的,显而易见的,可看见的)
A.apparence B.evidence C.obviosity D.vision
4.It is __C__ that two and two make four.二加二等于四,那是明明白白的.(It is bovious that...)
A.apparent B.evident C.obvious D.visible
5.He talked to the customer with __D__ impatience.他和顾客谈话时显然不耐烦的样子.(本题选用apparent或obvious也没什么不可以.但evident和clear就有点勉强了.)
A.evident B.clear C.much D.visible
6.It is __A__ (that) you have been cheated.明白得很,你已受骗了.(It is clear that...)
A.clear B.apparent C.regretful D.ignorant

