

分类: 英语学习方法 

51. My sister is around your age.我妹妹和你年龄相仿。

52. I arranged the flowers in the vase as soon as I came back home.一回到家里,我就把花在花瓶里插

53. I have arranged with him to meet at the restaurant.我和他约好在饭馆见面。

54. I have arranged that one of my staff will meet you at the airport.


55. We arrived home late.我们到家时晚了。

56. Finally, they arrived at an agreement.他们最后终于达成了协议。

57. He shot arrows one by one, but each missed.他射了一箭又一箭,但都未射中。

58. He had devoted his whole life to the study of contemporary art.他把他的一生都献给了当代艺术研究。

59. Are you a Bachelor of Arts?你是文学学士吗?

60. Have you read the article on information revolution?你读了有关信息革命的那篇文章没有?

61. Jim runs fast, but I run just as fast.吉姆跑得快,但我跑得也一样快。

62. He can run as fast as I can.他能跑得和我一样快。

63. It is just as you like.事情就如你喜欢的那样。

64. The kitten uses that box as its bed.小猫把那个盒子当做它的床。

65. He was ashamed that he had lied.他很惭愧他说了谎。

66. The poor boy was ashamed of his ragged cloths.这个穷孩子为自己的破衣服感到难为情。

67. China is a developing country in Asia.中国是亚洲的发展中国家。

68. How many Asian countries have taken part in the sport meeting?有多少亚洲国家参加这次运动会

69. That Asian stopped me and asked if I was Chinese.那个亚洲人拦住我,问我是不是中国人。

70. May I ask a question?我可以问一个问题吗?

