

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:02:37 

1. “Present” 作名词用,可以表示 “礼物”,相当于 “gift”。

What's the best present you've ever received?

I love it when people give me presents.

2. 名词 “present” 还可以表示 “现在,此时此刻”,常与定冠词 “the” 连用,即 “the present(目前,当下)”。

Stop talking about the future, and start living in the present!

The film is set in the present. It's about things happening now.3. “Present” 作形容词用,可以表示 “在场的,出席的”。

I was present for all seven classes.

He wasn't present for last week's meeting.

4. “Present” 作动词用时,发音为 /prɪˈzent/,与名词和形容词 /ˈprez.ənt/ 不同。它可用在正式场合,表示 “呈现,展示” 某物,或 “提供” 信息 。

I presented the results of the survey to the rest of the team.

When she presented the findings, people were shocked.

5. “Present” 作动词用,还可以表示 “介绍、引见(某人)”。

I'd like to present my friend, Nick.

I had to present myself to the whole team.

