

分类: 英语学习方法  时间: 2023-12-07 09:02:36 

1 用 “with” 表示 “和(其他人或事物)一起,一同”。

I ate my lunch with Phil. 

I love to be with my family.

2 用 “with” 表示 “用、使用(工具)做某事”。

She cut the paper with scissors. 

I edited this photo with an app. 

3 用 “with” 说明 “(做事方式)带着…”。

She stood there with an angry face and shouted!

He walked with such elegance. 

4 用 “with” 说明 “某物含有或包含另一样事物”。

She filled the glass with water.

We would like to book a room with two beds.

5 在饭馆、咖啡厅等场所点餐时,用 “with” 表示 “加、配”,相当于 “and”。

Please may i have a pizza with chips?

Can I have a tea with milk? 

6 用 “with” 表示 “(人或物)拥有,有”。

I live in a house with a brown door.

Do you remember my friend Stacey? She's the girl with short hair.

