

分类: 英语学习方法 
“陷阱题”通常也叫“圈套题”,是一种极易做错的习题。“陷阱题”与常规题不同,它具有较大的迷惑 性,较好的隐蔽性。近年来,各地中考试卷中常有这种性质的试题出现。当我们遇到这种习题时,常感到不知 所措。怎样解答这种“陷阱题”呢?下列方法不妨一试: 

“陷阱题”是不挂牌的,而是编拟者把“陷阱”巧妙地设计在题目中。只要同学们认真审题,“陷阱”是 可以被发现的,如下面这几道题: 

1.Would you like__________pears,please?[吉林]
A.any B.some C.much D.little
2.The radio is too noisy.Would you please turn it________a little?[辽宁]
A.on B.off C.up D.down
3.Three years__________a short time.You have to study hard.[江西]
A.is B.are C.be D.were
4.Help_________to some fish and meat,children.[四川]
A.yourself B.you
C.yours D.yourselves
5.You have missed_________"s"in the word "dress".[江苏]
A.a B.an C.the D.不填 

有些学生没有认真审题,就乱套语法规则,以致将上面五题错选成:1.A2.B3.B4.A5.A。如果同学们能认真 审题,思路理顺,灵活地运用语法规则,就会知道上述选项都是题设“陷阱”。 

一些“陷阱题”,往往是根据同学们思维上的弱点而设计的,对于中学生来说,思维上存在着习惯、单一 、片面、混乱的缺陷。因此,思维方法上的指导,就显得十分重要。同学们在解答上面这些选择题时,思维上 的弱点就暴露出来了。把第一题理解成“疑问句用any”,把第二题理解成“关掉收音机”,把第三题理解成“ 主语是复数名词,谓语动词用单数”,反第四题理解成"help yourself to…",把第五题理解成“辅音字母前 用不定冠词a”。因此,做题时,不能只顾表面现象,应多方面地去分析题意。除了熟记一般的语法规则之外, 还应了解一些特殊情况下的特殊规则。如上面这些题:1.虽然在一般情况下,疑问句中用any,但在一些表示请 求、建议的疑问句中要用some;2.因句末有a little一词,故不可选用off,而应选down,指把音量“关小一点 ”,而不是“关掉一点”;3.复数名词作主语,谓语动词一般用复数,但是时间名词作主语,应当作整体看待 ,谓语动词用单数;4.因这句话是对多数人(children)说,因此,yourself应用其复数形式yourselves;5.辅 音字母s读[es],第一个音为元音,故用an。
鱼目混珠的“陷阱题”,大多数是以选择题的形式出现,同学们解答时,一会儿看着这个对,那个也对, 一会儿看着这个错,那个也错,举棋不定,疑三惑四。如果我们对一些语法知识一知半解,或只是死记硬背, 或者没有把基础知识弄清弄透,那么做这些题就不能去伪存真,因此,对基本知识点及特殊现象,要彻底搞懂 了为止,这样才会分清选择题目中的鱼目及珍珠,避免落入“陷阱”。 

“陷阱题”总能使一些人落入“陷阱”,怎么办?在平时训练中,应注意掌握跳出“陷阱”的方法,加强 验证,就是一种行之有效的方法。有些粗心大意的同学,不能根据题目语境验证结果,而是被表面现象所迷惑 ,在选择答案时,落入“陷阱”,这是很可惜的。如果同学们有良好的检查验证习惯,掌握验证的方法,即使 落入了“陷阱”,也能在验证的过程中发现“陷阱”,迅速地跳出来。
同学们可能一时掌握不了这种解题方法,可用类似的习题,多训练几次,力求达到熟练掌握,灵活运用的 程度,自然而然就有“落阱自救”的本领。 


1.I__________to bed until my granny came hack nome.[天津]
A.didn’t go B.went
C.had gone D.have gone 

2.Who teaches__________French?[吉林]
A.we B.our C.us D.ours 

3.If it__________tomorrow,we’ll go to the park.[吉林]
A.doesn’t snow B.don’t snow
C.won’t snow D.snowed 

4.I hear there is going to__________a film tomorrow.[辽宁]
A.be B.is C.been D.have 

5.I don’t know if he_______tomorrow,if he_______,I’ll meet him.[辽宁]
A.will come,comes
C.will come,will come
D.comes,will come 

6.He’s almost finished_________the book,__________he?
A.reading,isn’t B.to read,isn’t
C.reading,hasn’t D.to read,hasn’t 

7.--His father didn’t go to work today,did he?
A.No,he didn’t B.Yes,he didn’t
C.No,he did D.Yes,he was 

8.Do you know___________?[江西]
A.why did she get up late
B.why she got up late
C.why does she get up late
D.why she gets up late 

9.He has________here for almost a year.He has made many good friends.[安徽]
A.left B.come C.been D.gone 

10.The shopkeeper asked me____________.[安徽]
A.what size shoes I wore
B.what size shoes did I wear
C.I wore what size shoes
D.what size shoes do I wear 

11.He gave me two answers_________the question,but________of them is right.[安徽]
A.of,neither B.to,both
C.of,none D.to,neither 

12.China is one of_________in the world.[山西]
A.the oldest country
B.the oldest countries
C.much older country
D.much older countries 

13.Can you_________speak to a person in old clothes?[山西]
A.polite B.friendly C.kind D.kindly 

14.--Is this eraser yours?
A.him B.her C.his D.he’s 

15.--Who has a dictionary,children?
--I have____________.[河南]
A.it B.this C.one D.so 

16.There are many apples______the tree.A bird______the tree is picking an apple.[河南]
A.in,on B.on,in C.in,at D.to,of 

17._______will be the populatino of China in the year 2000?[陕西]
A.What B.How many
C.How much D.Which 

18.It rained________last night.[广西]
A.heavily B.bigly
C.heavyly D.hardly 

19.I don’t think she is a good girl,___________?[宁夏]
A.do I B.isn’t she C.is she D.don’t I 

20.___________we had last night![福建]
A.What good time B.What a good time
C.How happy D.How a good time 

答案:1-10   A C A A A C A B C A
 11-20  D B D C C B A A C B

