
七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题

分类: 英语学习方法 

( )1. A. He is medium build.
B. She is tall and thin
C. He likes reading
( )2. A. Yes, she is thin.
B. No, she is tall.
C. Yes, she is not thin.
( )3. A. Yes, she is.
B. No, she doesn't have curly hair.
C. Yes, her hair is straight.
( )4. A. They are medium height.
B. They like their parents.
C. They look at my parents.
( )5. A. He is tall.
B. He has short and brown hair.
C. He likes playing chess.
B. 听对话,人物与图片配对,听两遍。(共5分)
七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题

A  B C D  E
Aunt ______ Ted______ Jack_______
Mother ________ Teacher ________
C. 听短文,选择正确的答案,听两遍。(共5分)
生词:in surprise 惊奇地 matter 关系
( )1. Peter is Rose's __________.
A. father B. brother C. uncle D. friend
( )2. Peter is a __________.
A. student B. teacher C. doctor D. reporter
( )3. Joan is Rose's_________.
A. sister B. mother C. friend D. teacher
( )4. Peter and Rose are _________.
A. at school B. at home C. at the library D. in the park
( )5. Rose is _________ one night.
A. reading books B. watching TV C. doing homework D. writing a letter
二 、词汇( Mary 有个淘气的小弟弟,他把作文中的一些字涂掉了,还好,每个词留了开头一个字母,你能帮他补全吗?) (共10分)
Miss Li is our English teacher .Do you k___1__ her? And what does she l__2__ like? Let me tell you. She's m___3___ height, but a little b__4__ heavy. She has short brown and c__5__ hair. She always wears a pair of g___6__ on her face(脸). She is g__7___ , we like her very much. She loves to tell j_8__, and she is very p__9__ in our school. Can you r__10__her?
1________ 2________ 3_______ 4______ 5_______
6________ 7________ 8_______ 9______ 10______
( )1.----What does your friend look like?
A. He is thin B. She is a kind girl C. She likes music D. She has good-looking
( )2. We remember___ the classroom after school.
A. to clean B. clean C. cleaning D. are cleaning
( )3. ----Is he heavy?
----No, he is a little bit __________.
A. tall B. thin C. short D. quiet
( )4.----Lucy doesn't have curly hair.
----Yes, we can say she has _______hair.
A. curly B. blonde C. short D. straight
( )5.-Ruth is a cut boy _____ long hair
A. and B. have C. with D. has
( )6.---Is Miss Gao tall?
---No, she isn't tall, and she isn't short, either. She is _______ .
A. medium height B. medium build C. a little heavy D. very thin
( )7. ---__________________?
---He has a beard and short brown hair.
A. How old is he B. What does he do C. What does he look like D. How is he
( )8. ---Who is in the classroom now?
----________. All the students are on the playground(操场).
A. Someone B. Everyone C. Nobody D. Mary
( )9. ----Is your friend quiet?
----No, he never stops __________.
A. talk B. talking C. to talk D. is talking
( )10. ----Tom is not very heavy.
----Yes, I think we can say he is ____ heavy.
A. a little B. a bit C. a little bit D. A, B and C
( )11. She ______ like her father.
A. is B. look C. is looking D. /
( )12. She's good-looking ____ she's kind of quiet.
A. and B. or C. for D. but
( )13. I _____ he _____ her.
A. think, knows B. don't think, know C. don't, knows B. think, isn't know
( )14. –What does the boy look like?
---Well, he's ____ tall, and he ____ curly hair.
A. very, is B. really, has C. real, has D. really, is
( )15. Liu Peng likes _____ and _____.
A.reading, playing cards B.reading, play cards C.read, playing cards D.read, play cards
1. always, dress, a, she, red, wears (连成一句)
2. tall, with, he's, hair, brown, straight (连成一句)
3. Class Five, have, I, new, in, friend, a (连成一句)
4. I have long hair. (否定句)
I _______ _______ long hair.
5. Lucy is like her mother.(同义句)
Lucy ______ _______ her mother.
6. Please don't walk on the grass. (同义句)
Please _______ _______ on the grass.
7. He is medium height with a beard. (提问)
________ he _______?
8. She has a new look. (一般疑问句)
______ she ________ a new look?
9. He isn't a good boy. (用I think连成一句)
I ______ _______ he _____ a good boy.
10. does, his, look, what, cousin, like(连成一句)
A. here come the movie actors.
B. I think she's really good.
C. and she has long blonde hair.
D. What does he look like?
E. Who's your favorite actor?
F. And he has funny glasses.
A: Don't you love Johnny Dean, Danny?
B: Johnny …?
A: Dean. The pop singer.
B: I don't know. 1
A: He's really tall and really thin.  2  And he has long curly hair. Look, there he is.
B: Oh, yeah, I see him.
A: Hey, 3
B: Oh, wow!
A: 4
B: I like the woman with the long blonde hair.
A: The tall woman?
B: She's medium height 5
A: Oh, Tina Brown.
B: Yeah. 6 She was in that great action movie last month.
1-6 __________________
六. 完形填空(共10分)
Johnny is twelve ___1___ old. He is very tall and he loves ___2__ basketball. His parents ___3___from Chongqing. Sally is small and she ___4___ glasses. She ___5__ long and curly hair. She likes ___6___. She ___7___ hard. Dave ___8___ medium height. He enjoys ___9___ computer games. He loves to tell ___10___.
( ) 1. A. year B. years C. / D. years'
( ) 2 .A. play B. plays C. is playing D. to play
( ) 3. A. is B. are C. comes D. be
( ) 4. A. not wear B. do wear C. doesn't wear D. don't wear
( ) 5. A. has B. have C. is D. are
( ) 6. A. sing B. singing C. sings D. doesn't sing
( ) 7. A. works B. working C. to work D. isn't working
( ) 8. A. are B. be C. is D. am
( ) 9. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. play
( ) 10. A. jokes B joke C. to joke D. not joke
( A )
Katy and Sandy are twins(双胞胎). They look the same. They two have long hair and big eyes. They are medium height and they have medium build. They live in a town(小镇). Katy is older than Sandy. She likes living in town very much. Katy thinks living in town is more interesting than living in the country(乡村). She likes the lights(灯) in town. She thinks the lights at night are more beautiful than the stars. She likes to read, and reads more quickly(快) than Sandy. Often Katy reads very late at night. Sandy likes the country better. She likes to visit her Aunt Peggy. She often helps her aunt with her work. Sandy likes to run. She runs faster than Katy. In the country, Sandy can run longer than in town. She also thinks running in the country is the most exciting thing to do.
请根据短文的描述,分辨出哪张照片是Katy,哪张照片是Sandy。并在照片下面的括号中标明K(Katy)或S (Sandy )。(5分)
七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题 七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题

1.( ) 2.( )3.( )  4.( )  5.( )
( B )
Peter is a boy. He is from America. He is twelve years old. He is a middle school student. He has a round face, a big nose, a wide(大的) mouth and two big eyes. His hair is light brown and short. He likes to play football. He is in our school football team. He is a Young Pioneer(少先队员), too. Peter has a sister, Her name is Anne. She is twelve, too. She has a round face, a small nose, a small mouth and big eyes. Her hair is red and long. She likes to play the piano, to read and draw. They are in the same school, but in different grades. They are twins. We all love them.

( C )
My father is tall and has short, gray(灰白的) hair. He wears glasses with heavy, black frames(框架). But I just see a picture of him from 1968. What a surprise! In the picture, he's 15 years old. He's short and he has glasses with small, round frames. He has long, yellow hair and it's really straight. He's wearing blue jeans and a T-shirt with the word "Love". I'm 15 years old now. I'm medium height and I have short hair. My hair isn't yellow, it's blue. My dad thinks it's strange(奇怪的), but my friends think it's great. I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames. They're so cool! I have an earring(耳环) in one ear, too. Dad really can't understand(明白) that, I never wear blue jeans. I like big, baggy(松的) pants and long T-shirts. Most of my T-shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands(摇滚乐队) on them.
( ) 1. What kind of glasses does Father wear when he is fifteen years old? He wears .
A.glasses with heavy, black frames B. glasses with bright red frames
C. long and yellow glasses D. glasses with small, round frames
( ) 2. What color is my hair? It's _______.
A. yellow B. blue C. gray D. red
( ) 3. What do I like to wear? I like to wear __.
A.blue jeans and a T-shirt
B.yellow jeans and a T-shirt with the word "love"
C.big and baggy pants and long T-shirts
D.blue jeans and an earring
( ) 4. What's on my father's T-shirt?
A. The word "love". B. Heavy and black frames. C. Pictures of rock bands. D. An earring.
( )5. Who has an earring in one ear?
A. My dad does. B. I do. C. My father does. D. My Friends do.
1. 看下面的图片,用所给单词描写她,文章开头已经给出。(6分)
七年级英语下Unit Seven单元测试题good-looking, long, curly, medium height, build, popular Look at the girl in the picture. Her name is Coco. She is a pop star. ______________________________________________________________

A) 听问句选择适当的答案,听一遍。
1. What does your father look like?
2. Is Maria a little bit heavy?
3. Does Hellen have curly hair?
4. What do they look like?
5. What does he like?
A: What does your aunt look like?
B: She's good-looking and she has long curly hair.
A: Is that boy Ted?
B: Yes, he always wears glasses with short curly hair.
A: Do you know Jack?
B: Yes, he is tall and doesn't have any hair.
A: What does your mother look like?
B: She's beautiful, but she's heavy.
A: What does your new teacher look like?
B: Well. He is thin and he's writing at the desk.
Mr. Green has two children, one is a son called Peter, and the other is a daughter called Rose. Peter is an eleven- year-old boy. He studies at school. Rose is four years old.
One evening, when Peter is doing his homework, Rose is writing.
"What are you doing, Rose?" asks Peter.
"I'm writing to my friend, Joan." answers Rose.
"How can you?" Peter says in surprise. "You can’t write, you know."
"It doesn't matter. Joan can't read, either." Rose answers.

一、A) 1-5 ACBAC B) 1-5 BEDAC
C) 1-5 BACBD
二、1-5 know, look, medium, bit, curly
6-10 glasses, good-looking, jokes, popular, remember
三、1-5AABDC 6-10 ACCBD 11-15 ADABA
四、1. She always wears a red dress.
2. He's tall with straight brown hair.
3. I have a new friend in Class Five.
4. don't, have 5. looks like 6. stop walking 7. What's, like 8. Does, have 9. don't, think, is
10. What does his cousin look like?
五、1-6 DFAECB
六、1-5 BDBCA 6-10 BACBA
七、(A)1-5 SKSKS
(B)1-5 round/ light brown / big / big / wide/
6-10 round / red and long / big / small / small

