

分类: 英语词汇 

10月18日,白俄罗斯全民公决结果揭晓,总统亚历山大·卢卡申科可能继续留在他已经坐了10年的总统宝座上。但是,这一结果并不为西方国家所乐见,美国于18日发表声明,谴责白俄罗斯的选举是“不公”的,并没有使选民真正得到表达意愿和自由选择的机会。新华社报道如下:The United States on Monday criticized the Belarus elections for so-called "electoral misconduct", saying "It does not look like the voters of Belarus were given a fair choice or a fair chance to express their choice."

"The election was seriously flawed, didn't meet standards," State Department spokesman Richard Boucher told a regular news briefing.

"We deeply regret that the Belorussian people were kept from freely and fairly expressing their will," Boucher said.

Misconduct表示“不正当的行为”,在此反映了对选举公正性的质疑。此外,misconduct还有“处置失当;管理不善;行为轻佻、不检点”等意思。例如:She sued for divorce on the grounds of her husbands alleged with his secretary.(她以其夫与秘书有染为由提起离婚诉讼。)

