

分类: 英语词汇 

11月6日,部署在象牙海岸中部布瓦凯地区的一支法国维和部队遭到科特迪瓦政府军两架战机的轰炸,造成8名法军士兵死亡,另有20多人受伤。法军亦击落战机作为反击。随后,科经济首都阿比让发生多起反法暴力事件,法国维和部队也与科政府军在机场、港口等地发生冲突。11月7日,在得到增援部队支援后,法国维和部队加大了对当地动乱分子的整治力度。科特迪瓦总统巴博也出面呼吁稳定局势,但科国内的骚乱局势仍然没有结束。外电报道如下:French troops in Ivory Coast's main city of Abidjan fired into the air on Monday to disperse thousands of demonstrators massing to support the West African country's President Laurent Gbagbo.

State radio urged protesters to form a "human shield" to protect Gbagbo's home in a plush residential district in case French troops, who have taken over a hotel complex nearby, tried to move toward the residence.

"We are asking our patriots to go and join the others at the Hotel Ivoire ... We are asking for French tanks to go back to their base," firebrand pro-Gbagbo youth leader Charles Ble Goude said on state radio, shortly after the shooting.

Demonstrator表示“示威者”,因为demonstrate除了“示范,证明,论证”等含义外,还有“示威”的意思。例如:the citizens were demonstrating against tax hikes.(市民们示威反对税收上涨。)

