
On the understanding that:如果,以……为条件

分类: 英语词汇 

联合国秘书长安南日前公开表示,他对自己的儿子涉嫌伊拉克“石油换食品”丑闻一事“深感失望与惊讶”。据悉,安南的儿子科乔·安南曾在参与伊拉克“石油换食品”计划的瑞士科特克纳公司实习,但持续收取薪资到今年2月。外电报道如下:Secretary-General Kofi Annan said Monday he was "very disappointed and surprised" that his son had continued to receive payments until this February from a firm that had a contract with Iraq's oil-for-food program, the subject of numerous corruption investigations.

Annan told reporters that he had been working on the understanding that payments to his son, Kojo Annan, from the Swiss-based firm Cotecna Inspection S.A. stopped in 1998 "and I had not expected that the relationship continued."

On the understanding that是一个固定词组,表示“如果,以……为前提条件”,例如:Participants of this action will only be accepted on the understanding that they are aware of these risks and wish to participate of their own free will.(只有那些了解自己所冒的风险、并出于自愿的参与者才能够参加此次行动。) I gave her some money on the understanding that she should spend it on books .(我给了她一些钱,前提是她得把这钱花在买书上。)


