

分类: 英语词汇 

巴黎考古研究所的埃及古物学家瓦希尔·多布列夫博士日前宣布,他已成功破解了狮身人面像(斯芬克斯)所代表的具体人物以及它真正的建造者。瓦希尔认为斯芬克斯并非古埃及第四王朝法老哈夫拉所建,而是他的兄弟德杰德夫拉为了纪念其父胡夫建造的。外电报道如下:Archaeologists, who are able to tell us who built the pyramids of ancient Egypt, have puzzled over the riddle of the Sphinx for generations.

The identity of the ruler who ordered the building of the 65-ft-high, 260-ft-long limestone half-human statue that has guarded the Giza Plateau for 4,500 years has been lost in the sands of time.

Now, following a 20-year re-examination of historical records and uncovering new evidence, Vassil Dobrev, a French Egyptologist, claims to have proved that the largest single stone statue on Earth is the work of a forgotten pharaoh.


