
美国之音1500基础听力词汇 M3

分类: 英语词汇 

mob - n. a large group of wild or angry people

model - n. an example; something, usually small, made to show how something will look or work

moderate - ad. not extreme

modern - ad. of the present or very recent time; the most improved

money - n. pieces of metal or paper used to pay for things

month - n. one of the twelve periods of time into which a year is divided

moon - n. the bright object often seen in the night sky that orbits the earth about every twenty-nine days

moral - ad. concerning what is right or wrong in someone's actions

more - ad. greater in size or amount

morning - n. the early part of the day, from sunrise until noon

most - ad. greatest in size or amount

mother - n. the female parent; a woman who has a child or children

motion - n. a movement; a continuing change of position or place

mountain - n. a part of the earth's surface that rises high above the area around it

mourn - v. to express or feel sadness

move - v. to change position; to put or keep in motion; to go

movement - n. the act of moving or a way of moving; a series of acts or efforts to reach a goal

movie - n. a motion picture; a film

much - ad. great in amount

murder - v. to kill another person illegally; n. the crime of killing another person

music - n. the making of sounds by singing or using a musical instrument

must - v. a word used with an action word to mean necessary ("You must go to school.")

mystery - n. something that is not or cannot be explained or understood; a secret

