

分类: 英语词汇 
False Chinese Swertia Herb 当药
Falsehellebore Root and Rhizome 藜芦
Falsesour Cherry 樱桃核
Fangchi Root 广防已
Feather Cockscomb Seed 青葙子
Fennel Fruit 小茴香
Fermented Soybean 淡豆豉
Fewflower Lysionotus Herb 石吊兰
Field Sowthistle Herb 苣荬菜
Fig  无花果
Figwort Root 玄参
FigwortflowerPicrorhizaRhizome 胡黄连
Filiform Cassytha Herb 无根藤
Fimbriae Orostachys  瓦松
Fineleaf Schizonepeta Herb 荆芥
Finger Citron 佛手
Fistular Onion Stalk 葱白
Fiveleaf Gynostemma Herb 绞股蓝
Flabelate Maiden-hair Herb 过坛龙
Flastem Milkvetch Seed 沙苑子
Flos Caryophyllata 丁香
Fluorite 紫石英
Forbes Wildginger Herb 杜衡
Forest Frog's Oviduct 蛤蟆油
Forrest Silkvine Stem or Root 黑骨头
Fortune Eupatorium Herb 佩兰
Fortune Firethorn Fruit 救兵粮
Fortune Loosestrife Herb 星宿菜
Fortune Meadowrue Herb 白蓬草
Fortune Paulownia Fruit /Royal Paulownia Fruit 泡桐果
Fortune Plumyew Twig and Leaf  三尖杉
Fortune Windmillpalm Petiole 棕榈
Fortune's Drynaria Rhizome 骨碎补
Fourstamen Stephania Root 粉防己/汉防己
Fragrant Eupatorium Herb 飞机草
Fragrant Plantainlily Herb 玉簪
Fragrant Sarcococca Herb 清香桂
Fragrant Solomonseal Rhizome 玉竹
Franchet Groundcherry Calyx and Fruit 锦灯笼
Frangrant Ainsliaea Herb 杏香兔耳风
Frankincense 乳香
Freshwater Sponge 紫梢花
Fringed Iris Herb 铁扁担
Fruticose Breyniae Leaf and Twig 黑面神

Gadfly 虻虫
Galanga Galangal Seed 红豆蔻
Galanga Resurrectionlily Rhizome 山柰
Gall 胆汁
Gambir Plant 钩藤
Gansui Root 甘遂
Garcinia Bark 山竹子
Garden Balsam  急性子
Garden Balsam Stem 透骨草
Garden Burnet Root 地榆
Garden Euphorbia Herb 飞扬草
Garlic  大蒜
Garter Snake 乌梢蛇
Gecko 壁虎
Giant Knotweed Rhizome 虎杖
Giant St.John'swort Herb 红旱莲
Giant Typhonium Rhizome 白附子
Giantleaf Ardisia Rhizome   走马胎
Ginkgo Leaf  银杏叶
Ginkgo Seed 白果
Ginseng 人参
Girald Pteroxygonum Root 红药子
Glabrous Greenbrier Rhizome 土茯苓
Glabrous Sarcandra Herb 肿节风
Glandularstalk St.PaulswortHerb / Common St.Paulswort Herb 豨莶草
Globeamaranth Flower 千日红
Glossy Privet Fruit 女贞子
Glutinosae Rice Root 糯稻根
Golden Larch Bark 土荆皮
Golden Thread 黄连
Goldhair Hedyotis Herb 黄毛耳草
Goosegrass Herb 牛筋草
Gordon Euryale Seed 芡实
Graceful Jessamine Herb 断肠草
Grand Torreya Seed 榧子
Granesbill Herb 短嘴老鹳草
Grassleaf Sweelflag Rhizome 石菖蒲
Great Burdock Achene 牛蒡子
Great Willowherb Herb 柳兰
Greater Celandine Herb 白屈菜
Green Bristlegrass Herb 狗尾草
Green Tangerine Peel 青皮
Grosvener Siraitia 罗汉果
Ground Beeltle 土鳖虫
Guava Leaf 番石榴叶
Gynura Root 红背三七
Gypsum 石膏
Gypsum 北寒水石
Gypsum 玄精石

