美国之音1500基础听力词汇 N2
nice - ad. pleasing; good; kind
night - n. the time between when the sun goes down and when it rises, when there is little or no light
no - ad. used to reject or to refuse; not any; not at all
noise - n. sound, especially when loud
nominate - v. to name someone as a candidate for an election; to propose a person for an office or position
noon - n. the middle of the day; twelve o'clock in the daytime
normal - n. the usual condition, amount or form; ad. usual; what is expected
north - n. the direction to the left of a person facing the rising sun
not - ad. a word showing that something is denied or untrue ("She is not going.")
note - v. to talk about something already known; n. a word or words written to help a person remember; a short letter
nothing - n. not anything; no thing
now - ad. at this time; immediately
nowhere - ad. not in, to or at any place
nuclear - ad. of or about the energy produced by splitting atoms or bringing them together; of or about weapons that explode by using energy from atoms
number - n. a word or sign used to show the order or amount of things