

分类: 英语口语 

1.Invoke Ikea


“My favorite conversation topics are something relevant yet funny. My favorite at an event is ‘I just came here for the free Swedish meatballs, why are you here?’” —Nicole DiCristofaro

“我最喜欢聊那些有关系也有趣的话题,在某种场合我最喜欢说‘我来这儿就是为了吃免费瑞典肉丸的,你为什么来这儿?’”—Nicole DiCristofaro


2. Use a self-deprecating line


“A self-depreciating line is a good opening when someone is engaging in a positive type task and you comment on it. For instance, ‘I’m jealous that you are so good at that!’.” —Paul DePompo

“有人做一份积极的工作时自嘲是很好的开场白,你可以评价一下,比如‘我真羡慕你这份工作做得这么好!’”—Paul DePompo


3. Tell a really dumb joke


“People are usually more receptive to dumb jokes because it doesn’t require much effort and they don’t have to worry about not getting it.” —Hunt Etheridge.

“人们通常更愿意听愚蠢的笑话,因为听着不费力气,他们也不需要担心听不懂。”—Hunt Etheridge.


4. Blow their mind


“You can ask someone ‘What are the only 3 countries that start with J?’ [Jordan, Japan, Jamaica] Then circle back with them later to see if they have an answer. They’ll be thinking about it—and you—all evening.” —Hunt Etheridge

“你可以问别人‘哪三个国家以字母J开头?’(Jordan, Japan, Jamaica)过后再找到他们看看是否有答案了。他们一整晚都会想这件事,也会想着你。” —Hunt Etheridge


5. Get deep


“When you see someone enjoying a coffee you can highlight the beauty in the moment. This is good for getting to see if this person is open and up for talking without making it seem like you are trying too hard.” —Paul DePompo.

“你看见某个人品尝咖啡时可以强调那一刻的美,这样可以很好地知道是否这个人会敞开心扉跟你聊天,而不会觉得你太过刻意。”—Paul DePompo


6. Ask a question with no right or wrong answer


“Asking someone ‘Where are you from?’ is great because it’s a simple and natural way to begin to ask someone about themselves. Any question that is open-ended will work because everyone has a different answer.” —Simon Marcel Badinter

“‘你从哪儿来?’是一个很好的问题,因为这样能简单自然地了解对方。任何一个答案开放的问题都可以,因为人们会有不同的答案。—Simon Marcel Badinter”


7. Take advantage of the situation


“One of the best ways to start a conversation is to ask a question, and questions germane to the situation are best. For example, if you’re at an event, ask ‘Have you heard this speaker, band, or author before?’” —Dawn Maslar

“最好的一种开场白就是问一个问题,最好是与当时环境有关的问题,比如,如果你们出席某个场合,就问‘你之前听过这个演讲者、乐队或作者的演讲/演出吗?’”—Dawn Maslar


8. Use a movie quote


“I can tell you the best conversation openers in movies are ones that ask a question, tease, and reveal some amazing (or weird) truth about yourself.” —Murray Suid

“我跟你说电影中最好的开场白就是问问题、拿别人开玩笑并说点自己惊人(或怪异的)事。”—Murray Suid


9. Make a bet


“Walk up to someone and tell them you need them to settle a bet between you and your friend. It gives you a great in to start a conversation.” —Chris Seiter

“走向某个人,跟他说你需要他来解决你和朋友打的赌,这就给了你一个很好的机会开启一个对话。” —Chris Seiter


10. Offer to help them


“Being helpful is always a great way to get a person’s attention, especially when they are struggling to do something or seem overwhelmed.” —Alexis Nicole White

“帮忙总是吸引人注意力的好方法,尤其是当对方做事很费力或看起来不知所措的时候。” —Alexis Nicole White



