

分类: 英语词汇 
劳动法 labor law
劳动保护 labor protection
劳动合同制 labor contract system  
集体劳动合同 collective labor contract
劳动合同期限 term of a labor contract
不定期劳动合同 employment contract with unspecified term
有固定期限劳动合同 time labor contract
劳资双方 labor and management
用人单位 employer
劳动者 employee
劳动年龄 job age; labor age
试用期 probation period
标准工时制度 standard labor time system
劳动时间 working hours
劳动期间 working period
带薪年休假 paid annual leave
法定休假日 legal holiday; official holiday
公休日 public holiday
劳动收入 labor income
工资等级制度 wage grading system
固定工资 wage of fixed amount
浮动工资 floating wage
保底工资 minimum wage
提成工资 deduction wage
劳动人事管理 labor and personnel management
劳动纪律 labor discipline
竞业禁止规定 non-compete rules
保密规定 confidentiality
解雇 dismiss; fire
辞职 resign; resignation
终止劳动关系 terminate labor relation
工伤 industrial injury
福利 welfare
劳动保险 labor insurance
劳动赔偿 labor indemnity
社会保障 social security
就业登记 employment registration
公费医疗 free medical care
下岗 lay off
下岗职工 laid-off worker
劳动管理部门 administrative department for labor
劳动合同鉴定 certification of labor contract
system of inspection for labor safety and hygiene
劳动能力丧失程度鉴定 verification of degree of physical disability
劳动鉴定委员会 labor appraisal committee
劳动监察制度 labor supervision system
劳动介绍所 employment agency
人才交流中心 talent exchange
劳动力市场 labor market
人事档案 personnel archive
劳动与社会保障部 Ministry of Labor and Social Security
社会保险 social security
养老保险 endowment insurance
医疗保险 medical insurance
失业保险 unemployment insurance
生育保险 birth insurance
劳动争议仲裁庭 arbitration tribunal of labor disputes
劳动仲裁法 labor arbitration law
劳动合同履行地 place where a labor contract is performed  
劳动合同争议 dispute of labor contract
申诉人 complainant; petitioner
被申诉人 respondent
仲裁申请书 arbitration petition
先裁后诉 award (a labor dispute) shall be obtained before litigation  

