

分类: 英语词汇 

一、对原来完整的词进行加工,缩略其中一部分字母,构成新词, 这种词叫做“缩略词”

 1. ad: advertisement  ads: advertisements  广告

 2. pop: popular    流行的        3. fridge: refrigerator  冰箱

 4. flu: influenza  流行感冒       5. N-bomb: nuclear bomb  氢弹

 6. E-mail: electrical mail  电子邮件  7. chem: chemistry   化学

 8. med: medical   医学          9. mod: modern  现代的、时髦的

 10. eng: engineering   工程学    11. kilo: kilogram   公斤

 12. myth: mythology  神话      13. tec: detective    侦探

 14. copter: helicopter   直升飞机


1. EQ: emotional quality    情商

2. UFO: unidentified flying object   飞碟

3. WTO: the world trade organization  世界贸易组织

4. IT: information technology  信息技术

5.VIP: very important person  重要人物

6. WC: watercloset    洗手间

7. GMT: Greenwich Mean Time  格林威治时间

8. OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries石油输出国组织

9. NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization  北大西洋公约组织

10. BC: Before Christ        公元前

11. AD: Anno Domin in the year of our lord   公元后

12. VOA: Voice of America    美国之音

13. BBC: British Broadcast Corporation   英国广播公司

14. UN: the United Nations       联合国

15. UK: the United Kingdom    联合王国

16. PLA: the People’s Liberation Army   中国人民解放军

17 PRC: the People’s Republic of China     中华人民共和国


1. etc: and the others等等  2. eg: for example  例如

3. ie: that is to say  意即


When nasreddin’s wife dies, he was married again. His second    1________

wife was much younger than he was and they were often quarreled.   2________

One evening he came home late. His wife said, “ I cooked  

your dinner two hours ago.” She was very angry that she gave him a  3________

push, and as she was very strong, Nasreddin fell down the stairs.     4________

One of his neighbors, who was always eager know what was happening 5_______

in everybody else’s houses, listening ,and when she heard the        6________

noise what nasreddin made when he fell down the stairs, she came and 7________

asked, “What is happened?” “ My coat fell down the stairs,” he answered. 8______

“ But a coat would not make so many noise!” the neighbor said.      9_________

“ Of course it would,” answered nasreddin, “ If I am inside it!”

