

分类: 英语词汇 
国家公务员 public servants
简政放权 streamline administration, institute decentralization
权力下放 delegate decision-making power to lower levels
小机构大服务 minimum institution, maximum service
败坏社会风气 degrade social conduct
不正之风 unhealthy tendency
拉关系 seek favor
走后门  seek advantages through pull; back-door dealing
乱收费 unreasonable service; go-as-you-pay
量入为出 pay-as-you-go
乱摊派 arbitrary requisition of donations
一切向钱看 put money above everything else
打白条 give you an IOU
搞形式主义 be done for show
嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒  prostitution, gambling, drug taking and trafficking
坚持两手抓  grasp the two links at the same time; attach equal importance to both economic development and ideological and cultural advancement
精神文明 ideological, intellectual, moral and civic education; ideological and cultural progress
高度文明 be culturally advanced
继承和发扬优良传统 inherit and carry forward one´s fine traditions
集体主义 community spirit; team spirit
凝聚力 cohesiveness
归属感 sense of belonging
扫黄 anti-pornography drive
廉政建设 building of and incorruptible government
反腐败 combat corruption
行贿受贿 offer and accept bribes
贪赃枉法 embezzle public property
加强法制建设 tighten up the legal system
完备的法制 an all-inclucive legal system
规范市场的法律 laws designed t standardize norms for the market

