

分类: 英语词汇 

去干扰器,解扰器 descrambler
全呼 general calling
全接入通信系统 total access communication system (TACS)
全球网 WWW, world wide web
全球定位-惯性导航系统 GPS-inertial navigation system
全球定位系统 GPS, global position system
全球星 global star
全球遇险与安全系统 global maritime distress and safety system
全向天线 omnidirectional antenna
全载波单边带发射 full carrier SSB emission
全载波发射 full carrier emission
群时延 group delay

扰码器 scrambler
热冲击试验 thermal shock test
人工电话 manual telephone
人工电源网络 artificial mains network
人工交换台 manual switchboard
人工接入多信道无绳电话机 manual access multiple channels cordless telephone
人工智能 artificial intelligence
人机对话 human computer interaction (HCI)
人为干扰 man-made interference
人为噪声 man-made noise
effective radiated power of any device in given direction
日本数字蜂窝系统 Japan digital cellular system (JDC)
日出日落过渡期 sunrise and sunset transition
日晒试验 solarizing test
容差分析 fault-tolerant analysis
容错技术 fault-tolerant technique
冗余 n进制信号 redundant n-ary signal
入口 gateway
入厂校验 incoming inspection test
入口移动无线局 gateway MSC (GMSC)
入网信道 access channel
软件电台 software station
软判决译码 soft decision decoding
软切换 soft handoff
瑞利衰落 Rayleigh fading
三端稳压器 three terminal regulator
三方业务 three party service (3PTY)
三防(防潮、防霉、防烟雾) three proofing
三军联合战术通信系统 TRI-TAC system
伞状天线 umbrella antenna
散射 scattering
散射通信 scatter communication
骚扰场强 disturbance field strength
骚扰电压 disturbance voltage
骚扰功率 disturbance power
骚扰限值 limit of disturbance
骚扰抑制 disturbance suppression
骚扰源的发射电平 emission level of a disturbance source
骚扰源的发射限量 emission limit of a disturbing source
沙尘试验 sand-and-dust test
筛选 screening
闪变 flicker
闪变计 flickermeter
闪变觉察门限 threshold of flicker perceptibility
闪变应激性门限 threshold of flicker iritability
扇区 sector area
扇区共享 sector sharing
扇区天线 fan antenna
上变频器 up-converter
上升率 rate of rise
上行链路 uplink
上游故障指示 upstream failure indication
设备编码容量 equipment coding capacity
设备识别登记器 equipment identity register (EIR)
设备阻抗 design impedance
设计故障 design fault
设计评审 design review
射极输出器 emitter follower
射频放大器 radio frequency amplifier
射频功率放大器 radio frequency power amplifier
射频加热装置 radio frequency heating apparatus
射频干扰 radio frequency interface (RFI)
射频信道 radio-frequency channel
射频信号干扰比 RF signal to interface ratio
射频噪声 radio (frequency) noise
射手系统射线路径传输损耗 ray path transmission loss
身体电容 body capacitance
深度空间(星际空间) deep space
深空通信 deep space communication
深水散射层 deep water scattering layer
神经元网络 neural network
甚低频无线电波传输 VLF radio wave propagation
甚高频传播 VHF propagation
声表面波 surface acoustic wave (SAW)
声表面滤波器 SAW filter
声表面波器件 surface acoustic wave (SAW) device
声码器 vocoder
声纳 sound navigation and ranging (SONAR)
声频信号 audio signal
声压级 sound pressure level
剩余可懂度 residential intelligibility
剩余频偏 residential frequency deviation
剩余调幅 residential amplitude modulation
剩余调频 residential frequency modulation
失步系数 lost synchronization coefficient
失锁频率 losing lock frequency, unlocked frequency

