

分类: 英语词汇 

a bounteous repast 丰盛的一餐

a collateral consanguinity 旁系亲族

a confluence of artistry, superb choreography, and stage design. 艺术技巧、优美的舞蹈和舞台设计的融合

a consecrated ground 圣地

a convoluted seashell 盘旋状贝壳

a dab at tennis 网球能手

a dainty [rich, luxurious] repast 盛餐

a deft hand 巧手

a dexterous mechanic 一位灵敏熟练的技工

a fatuous attempt 蠢动

a fecund soil 肥沃的土地

A girl I used to hang out with acted the same way. Whenever a group of us went out, she would always ask to bum money. It got to be a real turn-off. The fragile dish broke into smithereens. 易碎的盘子摔成了碎片

a gloomy prognosis for economic recovery. 经济复苏的黯淡预兆

a handsome countenance 美貌

a jejune diet 缺乏营养的食物

a jejune narrative 枯燥无味的叙述

a jinx day 不吉利的日子

A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own decisions. The reason for such strange behavior is beyond my ken.At the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point. 最为紧急的关头。

a lineal consanguinity 直系亲族

a lugubrious look 阴郁的面容

a mendicant Buddhist monk 化缘和尚

a nugatory agreement 无效的协定

a palatable solution to the problem. 这个问题的合乎人意的解决方法

a panegyric on [upon]sb. [sth.] 对某人[某事]的颂扬

a paucity of natural resources 缺乏自然资源

a pecuniary loss; pecuniary motives. 金钱损失;金钱动机

a pertinacious illness 痼疾

a photographer´s paraphernalia. 摄影者的装备

a plenipotentiary deputy. 全权代理人

a politician who relishes a joust with reporters. 喜欢和记者过不去的政治家

a portly belly 罗汉肚, 大肚子

a potpourri of short stories and humorous verse. 短篇小说及幽默诗句集锦

a precarious life 不安定的生活

a prim garden 整洁的园子

a prodigious storm 暴风骤雨

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a professor´s enigmatic grading system. 一个教授的让人费解的判分体系

a prosaic life 枯燥无味的生活

a querulous voice; querulous comments. 不满的声音;不满的评论

a rabid dog 疯狗

a rabid football fan 狂热的足球迷

a rebarbative old man 一个令人讨厌的老头儿

a river into which a large stream debouches. 一条有大的溪流汇入的河

a sachet of shampoo 一袋洗发香波

a saucy red bow tie. 一条漂亮的红领巾

a scrumptious lunch 美味的午餐

A severe murrain prevailed in this village.There are myriad flies in the sky.Actors feared the critic´s mordant pen.This simple motif runs throughout the entire score. When a man is dying ,he loses interest in mundane affairs.She mused for a time.a motley tunic 迷彩服

a sightseeing safari 观光旅行

A special news program preempted the scheduled shows. 特别的新节目取代预定计划的表演

a stentorian voice. 洪亮的声音

a tacit agreement 默契

a terse one-word answer. 一个简明的一词答案

a three-ply rope 一根三股的绳子

a vague, inchoate idea. 一个模糊的、尚未成熟的想法

