

分类: 英语词汇 
新企业上市国际委员会  International Committee on the Listing of New Enterprises
新股发行  new issue
新恒生50中型股指数  New Hang Seng MidCap 50 Index (New HSMCI)
新华富时中国25指数  FTSE/Xinhua China 25 Index
《新监管制度》(证监会)  The New Regulatory Framework(SFC)
新闻栏(大利市机股份页)  Free Text Area(Teletext)
新兴市场  emerging market
会计师报告  accountants' report
会计处理方式  accounting treatment
会计期间  accounting period
会计程式  accounting equation
会计准则/标准  accounting standard
《会计实务准则》  Statement of Standard Accounting Practice (SSAP)
会计惯例/实务  accounting practice
极端波动乘数  extreme move multiplier
极端波动覆盖分数  extreme move covered fraction
极价内期权  deep-in-the-money option
极价外期权  deep-out-of-the-money option; tails
业务纪录  track record
业务划分  delineation of activities
业绩公布  results announcement
概念股  concept stock
源指令码  source code
准备(会计)  provision(accounting)
溢利  profit
溢利预测  profit forecast
溢价  premium
瑞士商品、期货及期权协会  Swiss Commodities, Futures and Options Association
碎股  odd lot
节流率  throttle rate
经纪代表考试  Broker's Representatives Examination
经纪代表课程  Broker's Representatives Course
经纪交易  agency trade
经纪自设系统  Broker Supplied System (BSS)
经纪行  brokerage house
经纪佣金  brokerage
经纪忠诚保险计划  Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Scheme (BFI)
经纪忠诚保险计划委员会  Brokers' Fidelity Insurance Committee
经纪后勤办公室支援服务  Brokers' Electronic Support Services (BESS)
经纪活动工作小组  Broker Activities Working Team
经纪参与者(中央结算系统参与者)  Broker Participant(CCASS Participants)
经纪会计系统  Brokers' Accounting System
经纪电子邮递及集体传呼服务  E-mail and Group Paging Services
经修订的股份卖空计划  revised short selling scheme
经常账  current account
经审核账目  audited accounts
经办人  manager
经办银行  administering bank
经济自由指数  Index of Economic Freedom
经济发展及劳工局  Economic Development and Labour Bureau
经济发展及劳工局局长  Secretary for Economic Development and Labour
经营租赁  operating lease
经扩大股本  enlarged share capital
群集式伺服器  cluster server
《与证券服务有关的收费及费用的良好披露指引草拟本谘询文件》     Consultation Paper on the Draft Guidelines on Good Disclosure of Securities Services Related Fees and Charges
落盘  placing order
董事/行政总裁具报书  Director's / Chief Executive's Notifications
《董事的声明及承诺》  Declaration and Undertaking with regard to Directors
董事袍金  directors' fee
董事会  board of directors
董事会报告  directors' report
董事酬金  directors' remuneration
试算表  trial balance
诚信责任  fiduciary duties
资不抵债  insolvency
资方信托人  employer trustee
资本化  capitalisation
资本化发行  capitalisation issue
资本支出  capital expenditure
资本充裕/充足比率  capital adequacy ratio
资本充裕程度  capital adequacy
资本市场  capital market
资本负债比率  gearing ratio
资本重整  recapitalisation
资本值  capital value
资本项目*  capital account
资本增值  capital appreciation; capital gain
资本增值权证  capital plus warrant
资本增益  capital gain
资本增益/增值税  capital gains tax (CGT)
资本调整  capital adjustment
资本账  capital account
资本储备  capital reserve
资本亏损  capital loss
资本筹集  capital formation
资金平衡  fund balancing
资金股本化  capitalisation issue
资金表  fund statement
资金流向  fund flow
资金会计法  fund accounting approach
资金运用  fund utilisation
资料印证工作函  Comfort Letter
资料披露  disclosure
资料备忘录  information memorandum
资格股  qualification share
资讯供应商  information vendor
资讯服务  information service
资讯发布/发放  information dissemination; news dissemination
资讯档案  news file
资产  asset
资产拆卖  asset stripping
资产保证  asset coverage
资产负债表  balance sheet
资产负债表以外之承担/项目  off-balance sheet exposure
资产负债表外金融工具  off-balance sheet (financial) instrument
资产负债表编制程式  balance sheet equation
资产净值  net asset value
资产调配/调度  asset allocation
资产调换  asset swap
资产覆盖率  asset coverage
跨司法区招股活动  multi-jurisdictional equity offering
跨市场协调委员会  Inter-Market Coordination Committee
跨市场抵押品  cross collateral
跨市场按金制度  cross margining
跨国多重上市  mutual cross-listing
跨期买卖(期权)  calendar spread; time spread; horizontal spread (options)
跨期买卖  spread trading
跨境上市  cross-border listing
跨价衍生权证  call spread derivative warrant
跨价买卖(期权)  price spread; vertical spread; spread trading(options)
《跟踪指数交易所买卖基金监管指引》(证监会)     Guidelines for Regulating Index Tracking Exchange Traded Funds(SFC)
路透社证券投资传视服务  Reuters Monitor Equities Investment Service
运作风险  operational risk
逾时交易  late trading
过户  transfer
过户(期权)  give-up(options)
过户文件  instrument of transfer
过户代理  transfer agent
过户纸(转让)印花税  transfer deed stamp duty
过户处 / 过户登记处  registrar; share registrar
过户费  transfer fee
过渡性贷款  bridging loan
过量交易  overtrading
道德及指引委员会  Ethics and Guidance Committee
道琼斯工业平均指数  Dow Jones Industrial Average
道琼斯工业平均指数期货及期权  Dow Jones Industrial Average Futures and Options
乡镇企业  township and village enterprises
隔夜流动资金(银行)  overnight liquidity(banking)
零交易日  zero-trading day
零和游戏  zero-sum game
零股*  odd lot
零息债券  zero coupon bond
零售资讯服务  retail information service
《电子公开发售指引》(证监会)     Guidelines for Electronic Public Offerings(SFC)
电子化财政资源规则报表系统  e-FRRR system
电子交易  electronic trading
电子收付款指示  Electronic Payment Instruction (EPI)
电子呈交系统  e-Submission system
电子款项交收服务  Electronic Money Settlement Services
电子款项交收费  electronic money settlement fee
电子通讯网络  electronic communications network (ECN)
电子邮件;电子邮递;电邮  e-mail
电子传递证券资讯服务  Electronic Mailing Stock Information Service (EMSIS)
电子认购首次公开招股服务  Electronic Initial Public Offering service (EIPO)
电子认购新股指示  Electronic Application Instruction for New Issue Shares
「电子数据收集、分析及检索」系统(美国)  Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis and Retrieval (EDGAR)(US)
预计平均结算价  estimated average settlement price (EAS price)
预计资本值  estimated capital value
预托证券  depository receipt
预设期货跨期合约  Predefined Futures Calendar Spreads
预警系统  early warning system
伪冒电子邮件  phishing
《境内企业申请到香港创业板上市审批与监管指引》(中国内地)  Guidelines on the Vetting and Regulation of Applications for Listing on the GEM in Hong Kong by Mainland Enterprises(Mainland China)
境外上市外资股(中国内地)  overseas listed foreign share(Mainland China)
境外发行股票和上市管理通知 (国务院)  Notice on Regulation of Share Issues and Listing in
Overseas Markets (State Council)
垫款  advance; monies advanced
实地盘存  physical inventory
实物分派  distribution in specie
实物交收  physical delivery
实物利益  benefits-in-kind
实物股票  physical scrip
实时计算  real time calculation
实时资讯  real time information
实益持有人  beneficial holder
实益拥有人  beneficial owner
实益权益  beneficial interests
实际可用年期  actual useful life
实盘  firm order
实质汇率  real exchange rate
实缴股本  paid-up capital; paid-in capital
对手方  counterparty
对手风险  counterparty risk
对手经纪  contra broker
对外经济贸易合作部(外经贸部)(中国内地)  Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation(Mainland China)
对冲  hedging
对冲比率  hedging ratio
对冲值(期权)  delta(options)
《对冲基金汇报规定指引》(证监会)  Guidelines on Hedge Funds Reporting Requirements(SFC)
对冲基金  hedge fund
对角买卖  diagonal spread
对敲  bucketing
对盘  order matching
对盘前时段  pre-order matching period
对盘时段  order matching period
对账  reconciliation
截止过户日期  book close date (B/C date)
摘牌*  delisting
杠杆比率  gearing ratio
杠杆市场  leveraged market
杠杆式外汇交易 / 买卖  leveraged foreign exchange trading
《杠杆式外汇买卖(财政资源)规则》  Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading (Financial Resources) Rules
《杠杆式外汇买卖(造访)规则》  Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading (Calls) Rules
杠杆式外汇买卖介绍代理人  leveraged foreign exchange introducing agent
杠杆式外汇买卖商  leveraged foreign exchange trader
《杠杆式外汇买卖条例》  Leveraged Foreign Exchange Trading Ordinance
杠杆收购  leveraged buy-out (LBO)
杠杆效应  leverage
滞胀  disinflation; stagflation
熊市  bear market
荧幕  screen
疯狂抛售  bear raid
尽职审查  due diligence
监事(中国内地)  supervisor(Mainland China)
监事会(中国内地)  supervisory committee(Mainland China)
监察主任  compliance officer
监管  regulation
《监管合作备忘录》  Memorandum of Regulatory Cooperation (MORC)
监管制度  regulatory regime
监管套戥  regulatory arbitrage
监管机构  regulatory body
算术平均数(统计)  arithmetic average; arithmetic mean(statistics)
管制法例  governing law
《 管理、监督及内部监控指引》(证监会)  Management, Supervision and Internal Control Guideline(SFC)
管理费用  management fee
管理层收购  management buy-out (MBO)
管理层股东  management shareholder
精算师  actuary
综合户口  omnibus account / omnibus client account
综合表  composite table
综合风险  composite risk
综合财务报表  consolidated financial statement
综合买卖  composite trades
综合盘 / 组合盘  combination order; combo order; composite order
维持前成交价但低于上一个差异价  zero-minus tick
维持前成交价但高于上一个差异价  zero-plus tick
维持按金(期货)  maintenance margin(futures)
网上交易  online trading
网上交易工作小组  On-line Trading Working Group
网上投资者资源中心(证监会)  Electronic Investor Resources Centre (eIRC)(SFC)
网上认购新股服务  Internet Initial Public Offering (iIPO) service
网间连接器(电脑)  gateway(computer)
紧急贷款者  lender of last resort
紧缩措施  austerity measures
蒙受风险的价值  value-at-risk
认可用户  authorised user
认可行业资格  Recognised Industry Qualifications (RIQ)
认可存款基金  approved deposit fund
认可负债  ranking liabilities
认可值  admitted value
认可基金  authorised fund
认可资产净值  net admissible assets
《认可机构披露财务资料的最佳执行指引》(金管局)  Best Practice Guide on Financial Disclosure by Authorised Institutions(HKMA)
认沽期权  put option
认沽期权沽出者  put writer
认沽期权空仓  short put
认沽短仓  short put
认沽认购等价关系  relationship of put-call parity
认沽权证  put warrant
认股期权  share option
认股权证  warrant
认购  subscription
认购不足  undersubscribed; underbooked
认购期权  call option
认购期权沽出者  call writer
认购期权空仓  short call
认购短仓  short call
认购权证  call warrant
说明函件  explanatory statement
说明指引  interpretive guidelines
轻微违纪事件 / 行为  summary offence
遥距交易设施  remote trading access
递延股  deferred share
递延税项  deferred tax
远东交易所  The Far East Exchange
远期月份  distant month; back month
远期货币合约  currency forward
远期权利  forward entitlement
酸性测试比率  acid-test ratio
银行同业拆借市场  interbank market
银行承兑汇票  banker's acceptance
银行结汇体系  exchange surrender system
《银行业条例》  Banking Ordinance
银行对账表  bank reconciliation statement
银行确认书  bank confirmation
银行融通额/融资额  banking facility
《银行营运守则》(金管局)  Code of Banking Practice(HKMA)
银行证明文件  bank confirmation
银团贷款  syndicated loan; syndicated lending
银团融资  syndicated credit
驳脚经纪  runner
价内期权  in-the-money option
价外期权  out-of-the-money option
价位  spread
价位表  Spread Table
价位值  tick value
价值状况  moneyness
价值稳定的货币  hard currency
价格发现  price discovery
增值  accretion; appreciation
增值服务  value-added service
增值税  value added tax (VAT)
增售条款(包销)  greenshoe(underwriting)
增强自动对盘系统的市场接触力  enhanced access to AMS
增强限价盘  enhanced limit order
增补/补充上市文件  supplementary/supplemental listing document
审计师*  auditor
审核委员会  Audit Committee
审核线索  audit trail
审裁科  Adjudication Division
审慎原则  principle of prudence
审阅  vetting
《宽免缴付若干牌照费用的指引》(证监会)  Guidelines on Waivers of Certain Licensing Fees(SFC)
宽限期  grace period
广域网络  Wide Area Network
影子董事  shadow director
影响市场资料  market-sensitive information
影响股价资料  price-sensitive information
德国期货及期权交易所  Deutsche Terminborse (DTB)
德意志联邦银行  Deutsche Bundesbank
征收印花税运作程序  Operation Procedures for Stamp Duty Collection
征求建议书  request for proposal
征求意见稿  exposure draft
撇销  write off
拨备  provision
拨款  appropriation
数码资料传送专线  Digital Data Feed (DDF)
数码资讯服务  digital information service
数据传送专线  data feed
暂收款  temporary receipts
暂定配额通知书  provisional letter of allotment
暂记账  suspense account
暂停时段  blocking period
暂停办理过户登记手续  closure of books; closure of register
暂缓执行配对交收指示  hold matched SI
暂缓还款协议  standstill agreement
暂搁注册(美国)  shelf registration facility(US)
标准合约  standard contract
标准差  standard deviation
标准授权书  Model Authorisation Letter
标准组合风险分析  Standard Portfolio Analysis of Risk (SPAN)
标准普尔500综合指数预托证券  Standard & Poor's Depository Receipt (SPDR)
标准普尔/香港交易所大型股指数  S&P/HKEx LargeCap
标准普尔/香港交易所小型股50指数  S&P/HKEx SmallCap 50
标准普尔/香港交易所中型股25指数  S&P/HKEx MidCap 25
标准普尔/香港交易所综合指数  S&P/HKEx Composite
标准普尔/香港交易所创业板指数  S&P/HKEx GEM
标准普尔评级  Standard & Poor's Rating
标准登记服务  standard registration service
标准会计准则  standard accounting practice
模拟交易  mock trading
模拟系统  simulation system
欧式期权  European style option
欧洲日圆东京银行同业拆息期货  Euroyen Tibor Futures
欧洲可换股担保债券  Euro-convertible guaranteed bond
欧洲货币债券  Eurobond
欧洲复兴及开发银行(即 世界银行)  European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) (ie World Bank)
欧洲结算系统  Euroclear
欧洲结算银行  Euroclear Bank
欧洲债券  Eurobond
欧洲经济及货币联盟  European Economic and Monetary Union (EMU)
欧洲证券交易商协会自动报价系统  European Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (EASDAQ)
欧洲议会  European Parliament
欧罗 / 欧元  euro / Euro
盘  order; position
盘存  inventory
盘房  dealing room
盘纸  order form
稽核测试  audit test
线上交易  online trading
线上项目  above the line
线下项目  below the line
线路费  circuit fee
缓行注册(美国)  shelf registration facility(US)
蝶式买卖  butterfly spread
复式按金  spread margin
复式期权  spread option
复式盘  spread order
调息日  coupon-reset date
调息按揭  adjustable rate mortgage (ARM)
调整  adjustment
调整表 / 调整声明  statement of adjustments
调整后有形资产净值  adjusted net tangible assets
调整后资产净值  adjusted net assets
调整持仓  position adjustment
调整基数  adjusted basis
谅解备忘录  memorandum of understanding (MOU)
赔偿委员会  Compensation Committee
赔偿基金储备账  Compensation Fund Reserve Account

