

分类: 英语词汇 
年度账目  annual accounts
年报  annual report
年结日  balance sheet date
成本效益  cost effectiveness
成交纪录  trading record
成交单 / 成交单据 / 买卖单据  contract note
成交调整  trade amendment
成交额比率  turnover ratio
扣减率  discount rate
收市后交易  after-hours dealing
收市后资料传送服务  End-of-day Trade Data File Transfer Service
收市差额缴款  day-end marks
收市价  closing price
收市盘  at-the-close order
收取内幕消息人士  tipper
收取即日差额缴款机制  intra-day marks collection mechanism
收益  revenue; income; gain
收益率  yield
收益率曲线  yield curve
收益图  payoff diagram
收款代理  receiving agent
收款银行  receiving bank
《收款银行在新股发行中扮演的角色指引》(金管局)  Guideline on Role of the Receiving Bank in New Share Issues(HKMA)
收费  charge
收费结构  charging structure
收紧信贷  credit squeeze
收盘价  closing price
收购  acquisition; takeover; buy-out / buyout
收购上诉委员会(证监会)  Takeovers Appeal Committee(SFC)
收购及合并委员会(证监会)  Takeovers & Mergers Panel(SFC)
收购建议  offer
早市  morning session
有形资产净值  net tangible assets
有抵押权证  collateralised warrant
有限制牌照银行  restricted licence bank
有限责任公司  limited liability company
有条件协议  conditional agreement
有条件现金收购/要约  conditional cash offer
有资产支持的债务证券  asset-backed securities (ABS)
有担保的卖空交易  covered short selling
《有关申报卖空活动及备存证券借出纪录规定的指引》(证监会)  Guidance Note for Short Selling Reporting and Stock Lending Record Keeping Requirements(SFC)
《有关在互联网上提供财经资讯的通告 ─ 发牌规定》(证监会)  Circular on Provision of Financial Information on the Internet ─ Licensing Requirements(SFC)
《有关改善规管上市事宜的建议谘询文件》  Consultation Paper on Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Listing
《有关改善规管上市事宜的建议谘询总结》  Consultation Conclusions on Proposals to Enhance the Regulation of Listing
有关长时间停牌公司之报告  Prolonged Suspension Status Report
《有关建议加强监督核数师的公众利益活动及成立财务汇报检讨委员会的谘询文件》  Consultation Paper on the Proposals to Enhance the Oversight of the Public Interest Activities of Auditors and Establish a Financial Reporting Review Panel
有关创业板内地发行人监管合作事宜之换文  Letter of Exchanges regarding regulatory co-operation for mainland companies to be listed on GEM
《有关无纸化证券市场的建议运作模式的谘询文件》  Consultation Paper on a Proposed Operational Model for a Scripless Securities Market
有关发行人延迟公布业绩之报告  Status Report on Issuers' Delay in Releasing Results Announcement
《有关电子交易条例内适用于成交单据的规定的指引》(证监会)  Guidance Note on the Application of the Electronic Transactions Ordinance to Contract Notes(SFC)
《有关对保荐人及独立财务顾问监管的谘询文件》  Consultation Paper on the Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers
《有关对保荐人及独立财务顾问监管的谘询总结》  Consultation Conclusions on the Regulation of Sponsors and Independent Financial Advisers
《有关监管证券及期货的网上交易谘询文件》  Consultation Paper on the Regulation of On-Line Trading of Securities and Futures
有关暂时停牌公司之报告  Temporary Suspension Status Report
《有关赋权证券及期货事务监察委员会代表公司提出衍生诉讼的建议谘询文件》  Consultation Paper on the Proposal to Empower the Securities and Futures Commission to Initiate a Derivative Action on Behalf of a Company
次要控制人  minority controller
老鼠仓活动  rat trading; scalping
自主评级(银行)  Individual rating(banking)
自由兑换  free convertibility
自由增购率  "trading only" stocks
自行结算  self-clearing
自行结算参与者  Self Clearing Participant (SCP)
自律监管机构  self-regulatory organisation; self-regulating organisation
自动行使(期权)  automatic exercise(options)
自动配对股份  automatched stock
自动对盘及成交系统(自动对盘系统)  Automatic Order Matching and Execution System (AMS)
自动对盘系统未完成买卖盘纪录  AMS order book
自动对盘系统第二终端机  AMS Second Terminal
自动荧幕交易系统  automated screen trading system (AST system)
自动暂缓交易机制  circuit breaker
自发性收购  management buy-out (MBO)
自置光纤线路  private fibre optical circuit
自营买卖  proprietary trading
行  hong
行使  exercise
行使方式  exercise style
行使日  exercise day (E day)
行使后按金  margin-after-exercise
行使期 / 行使时限  exercise period
行使价  strike price(options); exercise price
行使价间距  exercise price interval
行仓  firm position
行业覆盖层面  spread of sector
行头盘  front running
估计使用年期  estimated useful life
估值师  valuer
估值报告  valuation report
低收费经纪  discount broker
低于面值  below par
低于最佳卖盘价 / 低于最好沽盘价  downtick; minus tick
作实买卖价  firm bid and ask quotations
作价买卖  market making
佣金回扣  commission rebate
兑付*  redemption
免责声明  disclaimer
冷淡对待令  cold shoulder order
利差交易  carry trade
利息补贴(中国内地)  interest rate subsidy(Mainland China)
利息资本化  capitalisation of interest
利益冲突事宜委员会  Conflict Committee
利率上限  interest-rate ceiling
利率掉期 / 利率调期*  interest-rate swap
利率掉期期货  Interest Rate Swap Futures
利率期货  interest-rate futures
利率衔接  interest collar; interest rate collar
利润  profit
初次公开招股  initial public offering (IPO)
初步认购价  initial subscription price
助理主管(创业板)  assistant supervisor(GEM)
即日平仓交易  day trade
即日回购协议(银行)  intraday repurchase agreement(banking)
即日有效买卖盘  good-for-day order
即日拆借市场  intra-day money market
即日流动资金  intraday liquidity
即日差额缴款报告(中央结算系统)  Intra-day Marks Collection Report(CCASS)
即日追补按金  intra-day margin call
即日报价  intraday quotation
即日买卖  day trade
即日盘 / 即日买卖盘  day order
「即日鲜」  day trade
即日额外按金  intra-day margin
即月  front-month
即夜传送报告资料服务(中央结算系统)  Overnight Report Distribution(CCASS)
即时支付结算系统(金管局)  Real Time Gross Settlement system (RTGS)(HKMA)
即时或取消  Immediate-or-Cancel (IOC)
即时汇款同时交收(银行)  payment vs payment (PvP)(banking)
即时资讯  real time information
即时数码资料传送专线  realtime digital datafeed
即时数码数据服务  Realtime Digital Data Service (RDDS)
即时转送  online transfer
否定声明  negative statement; disclaimer
囤仓策略  buy and hold strategy
均衡价格  equilibrium price
坐盘  proprietary trading
夹仓  squeeze; short squeeze
尾盘  at-the-close order
技术分析  technical analysis
投资分析员  investment analyst
投资服务指令(欧洲联盟)  Investment Services Directive (ISD)(European Union)
投资者户口服务  Investor Account Service
投资者户口持有人  Investor Participant (IP)
《投资者户口持有人规则》  Terms and Conditions for Investor Participants
《投资者与证券市场》(刊物)  Investors and the Stock Market(publication)
投资者赔偿有限公司  Investor Compensation Company Limited
《投资者应知多点》(刊物)  Know More About Your Investment(publication)
投资级别  investment grade
投资理念  investment philosophy
投资组合  portfolio
投资组合经理  portfolio manager
投资对象  investee
投资管理研究联会  Association for Investment Management and Research (AIMR)
投资顾问  investment adviser
投资顾问委员会  Investment Advisory Committee
投标程序  tender procedure
折扣  discount; haircut
折扣经纪  discount broker
折算  translation
折旧  depreciation
折让  discount
折让经纪  discount broker
抛空  short selling
改良特别股份交易方法  Enhanced Special Stock Trading Method
更正交易  trade amendment
更改财政年度结算日期  change of year end
更紧密经贸关系安排  Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA)
每日平均交收效率  daily average settlement efficiency
每日交易活动及持仓报告(期货)  Daily Trading Activity and Open Positions Summary Report(futures)
每日回报标准差  standard deviation of daily return
每日按金  daily margin
每日按金要求  daily margin call
每日价格上限  daily trading limit
《每周港股统计数字》  Weekly Hong Kong Stock Market Statistics
每股有形资产净值  net tangible assets per share
每股盈利  earnings per share (EPS)
每股资产净值  net asset value per share
没有利益关系的股东  disinterested shareholder
没有预先借货的卖空活动  naked short selling
没有担保的卖空交易  uncovered short selling
私人户口交易指引  personal account dealing guidelines
私人配售  private placing
私人密码  personal identification number (PIN)
私有化 / 私营化  privatisation
私募基金*  privately-offered fund
系列按金价值  series margin value
系统性风险  systematic risk
系统参数  system parameter
系统终止  system closure
系统整合商  system integrator
系统联通权  system access right
系统联通权收费(期权)  System Access Right Fee(options)
巡回推介  roadshow
《防止洗黑钱修订指引》  Revised Guidance Notes Regarding Money Laundering
《亚太股市脉络》  Regional Monitor
亚洲证券分析家协会  Asian Securities Analysts Federation
亚太区中央证券存管处组织  Asia-Pacific Central Securities Depository Group (ACG)
亚太贷款市场协会  Asia Pacific Loan Market Association
亚太经济合作组织  Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
亚洲美元市场  Asian dollar market
亚洲美元债券  Asian dollar bond
亚洲货币世界(新加坡)有限公司  Money World Asia Pte Limited
亚洲开发银行  Asian Development Bank (ADB)
亚洲证券分析员公会  Asian Securities' Analysts Council (ASAC)
亚洲证券借贷协会  Pan Asian Securities Lending Association (PASLA)
「来回」期权交易  "round trip" option transaction
供股  rights issue
供款  contribution
供应商电子存档系统  Vendor Electronic Filing System (VEF)
两用画面终端机  dual mode terminal (DMT)
两边客交易  direct business; direct business transaction
两边客买卖盘  two-sided order
两边开盘  two-way quote
到期 / 到期日  maturity; expiry date
到期日  expiration date
到期月份  expiry month
到期收益率  yield to maturity
到期前有效买卖盘  good-till-date order (GTD)
制订系统规模  system sizing
制裁权  power of sanction
券面利率  coupon; coupon rate
协议安排 / 协议计划  scheme of arrangement
取消交易(期权)  trade reversals(options)
取消交易合约(期权)  reversal contract(options)
取消前有效买卖盘  good-till-cancelled order (GTC)
受信人  fiduciary
受信责任  fiduciary duty
受益人  beneficiary
受托人  trustee; fiduciary
受监管之股份卖空活动  regulated short selling
受让人  assignee; transferee
垃圾债券  junk bond
委托存款*  designated deposit
委派代表书  proxy form
定界认股证  barrier warrant
定息按揭  fixed-rate mortgage
定期债券  term bond
定价模式  pricing model
「定镜」处理(电脑)  snapshot(computer)
延时资讯  delayed data
往来账  current account
或有保费  contingent premium
或然负债  contingent liabilities
所有普通股指数  All Ordinaries Index (AOI)
所需回报率  required rate of return
房地产投资信托基金  real estate investment trust (REIT)
《房地产投资信托基金守则》  Code on Real Estate Investment Trusts
承兑  acceptance
承兑行  acceptance house
承前(会计)  brought forward(accounting)
承配人  placee
承销*  underwrite
承销商*  underwriter
承办银行  administering bank
承让人  assignee; transferee
披露 / 披露事项  disclosure
披露权益  disclosure of interests
押记  pledge
抵押  charge; pledge
抵押安排  security arrangement
抵押品  collateral; security
抵押品资格  collateral eligibility
抵押债项  secured debts
抵押证券  asset-backed securities (ABS)
抵销  set off
「拆骨专家」  asset stripper
拆卖资产  asset stripping
招股书 / 招股章程  prospectus
招股价  issue price
招股机制  offering mechanism
招标发售  offer by tender
放宽利率管制  deregulation of interest rates
放宽管制  deregulation
服务业联会(香港总商会)  Coalition on Service Industry (Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce)
东亚及大洋洲证券交易所联会  East Asian and Oceanian Stock Exchanges Federation (EAOSEF)
东南亚国家协会(东协)  Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN)
东盟地区论坛  ASEAN Regional Forum
东盟自由贸易区  ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA)
武士债券  samurai bond
沽出未抵押期权  naked option writing
沽出备兑期权  covered writing
沽出认沽期权  write a put option
沽出认购期权  write a call option
沽空  short selling
沽盘  sell order
沽盘价  ask price; asked price
法人股(中国内地)  legal person share(Mainland China)
法定公益金(中国内地)  statutory public welfare fund (Mainland China)
法定公积金(中国内地)  statutory surplus reserve(Mainland China)
法定股本  authorised capital
法定储备  statutory reserve
法律风险  legal risk
法律实体  legal entity
法团大股东具报书  Corporate Substantial Shareholders Notification
泡沫经济  bubble economy
波幅  volatility
波幅校验范围  Volatility Scan Range (VSR)
注入资产  asset injection
炒高价格  ramping; price ramping
争夺式收购  contested takeover
物业估值师  property valuer
物业增值税  property gains tax
狙击手(收购)  predator; raider(takeover)
直接存款/存账指示  Direct Credit Instruction (DCI)
直接扣款/扣账指示  Direct Debit Instruction (DDI)
直接纳入中央结算系统的新股  direct stock admission(CCASS)
直接结算  direct clearing
直接结算参与者  Direct Clearing Participant (DCP)
直通式交易程序  straight-through processing
直驳光纤  dark fibre
直线折旧法  straightline method of depreciation
空仓 / 空头*  bear position; short position
《股市资料》  Fact Book; Fact Sheet
股市资料捐赠计划  Stock Market Information Donation Programme
股本  share capital
股本基数  equity base
股本价值  value of equity capital
股本证券  equity securities
股本权证  equity warrant; subscription warrant (vs derivative warrant)
股份化  demutualisation
股份代号  stock code
股份交收费  stock settlement fee
股份存入表格  Stock Deposit Form
股份存入费  stock deposit fee
股份收纳  stock conversion
股份有限公司  joint stock company
股份制  demutualisation
股份承押人  stock pledgee
股份承押人参与者(中央结算系统参与者)  Stock Pledgee Participant(CCASS Participants)
股份拆细  split; stock split
股份计划  share scheme
股份页(大利市机)  stock page(Teletext)
股份托管费  stock custody fee
股份提取费  stock withdrawal fee
《股份登记机构操守准则》(证监会)  Code of Conduct for Share Registrars(SFC)
股份结算费  stock clearing fee
股份认购权  share option
股份卖空试验计划  Short Selling Pilot Scheme
股份购回  share repurchase
《股份购回守则》  Code on Share Repurchases
股份转移日结单(中央结算系统)  Daily Movement Statement(CCASS)
股份转移报告(中央结算系统)  Statement of Stock Movement(CCASS)
股份权益  share entitlements
《股价敏感资料披露指引》  Guide on disclosure of price-sensitive information
股东名册  register of members; share register
股东周年大会  annual general meeting (AGM)
股东特别大会  extraordinary general meeting (EGM)
股东贷款  shareholder loan
股东应占溢利  profits attributable to shareholders
股东权益  equity interest
股东权益小组(证监会)  Shareholders Group (SFC)
股息率  dividend yield
股息单  dividend warrant
股票出借人  stock lender
股票承押人  stock pledgee
股票非流动化  immobilisation of share certificate
股票按贷财务活动  share margin financing
股票借贷  stock borrowing and lending
股票借贷数额资料页(大利市)  stock borrowing and lending position information page(Teletext)
股票期货  stock futures
股票期权  stock option; equity option
股票期权系统  Traded OPtions System (TOPS)
股票期权参考教育站  Stock Options Reference Educator (SCORE)
股票期权从业员专业课程  Professional Course for Equity Options Practitioners
股票登记费  scrip fee
股票贷出户口  Stock Lending Account
股票归还  stock return
股价不动时回报  standstill return
股价敏感资料  price-sensitive information
股权  equity interest; shareholding
芝加哥交易所  Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT)
芝加哥商品交易所  Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME)
芝加哥期权交易所  Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE)
近价盘  about order
金银业贸易场  Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange Society
金银证券交易所  The Kam Ngan Stock Exchange
金融大改革(英国)  Big Bang(UK)
金融工具  financial instrument
金融中介现象  financial intermediation
金融中介机构/团体  financial intermediary
金融市场  financial market

