
中国日报单词表(汉英) x-y

分类: 英语词汇 
X/ (翻译)信、达、雅 "faithfulness, expressiveness and taste" / 徇私舞弊 bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud/ 徇私枉法 bend the law for the benefit of relatives or friends / 新秀 "up-and-coming star, rising star" / 新新人类 New Human Being;X Generation / 新兴市场 emerging market/ 新石器时代 the Neolithic Age; New Stone Age' / 新宠 new favorite / 新的经济增长点 new point for/ sources of economic growth/ 新干线 "the Shinkansen, bullet train" / 新官上任三把火 a new broom sweeps clean / 新婚市场(指买卖兴旺的市场) bridal market/ 星球大战计划 Star Wars Program/ 星期日泰晤士报 the Sunday Times / 星火计划 Spark Program/ 行使否决权 exercise the veto/ 行头 theatrical costumes (and paraphernalia)/ 行政审批制度 administrative approval system / 行政诉讼 administrative proceedings/ 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后 Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind./ 虚拟网 virtual net / 虚拟银行 virtual bank/ 虚拟存款 window-dressing deposits/ 虚开增值税发票 write false value added tax invoices / 蓄势而发 accumulate strength for a take-off/ 形式主义 formalism / 形象小姐/先生 image representative of a product or a brand / 形成全方位、多层次、宽领域的开放格局 form an all-directional, multi-layered and wide-ranging opening pattern/ 形而上学 metaphysics / 刑法 penal code; criminal law/ 许可证制度 license granting mechanisms/ 性别歧视 sexual/gender discrimination/ 性价比 cost performance / 悬而未决的问题 outstanding question/ 信息产业部电信管理局 Telecommunication Management Bureau of Ministry of Information Industry / 信息革命 information revolution/ 信息港 inforport; cyber port / 信息高速公路 information superhighway/ 信息高地 information highland/ 信息含量 information content/ 信息化 informationize / 信息检索 information retrieval/ 信用文化 credit culture / 信用危机 credit crisis / 信用紧缩 credit crunch / 信贷支持 credit aid / 信得过产品 trustworthy product/ 心理素质 psychological quality / 心心相印, 精神感应 telesthesia/ 心想事成 May all your wish come true/ 心照不宣 have a tacit understanding; give tacit consent; tacit understanding/ 小型核武器 Mini-nukes/ 小农经济 small-scale peasant economy; autarkical small-scale farming / 小道消息 hearsay/ 小而全 small and all-inclusive/ 小金库 a private coffer/ 小康 a comfortable level of living; a better-off life; moderate prosperity / 小康之家 well-off family; comfortably-off family / 校训 school motto / 校园文化 campus culture/ 效率优先,兼顾公平 give priority to efficiency with due consideration to fairness/ 效益农业 profitable agriculture / 效益工资 achievements-related wages; wages based on benefits / 邪教 heathendom/ 斜拉索桥 stayed-cable bridge / 写真集 photo album / 香榭里舍大街 avenue des champs-elyses/ 下网 off line / 下游行业 downstream industry / 下载(计算机) downloading/ 香波 shampoo/ 下放权力给 delegating the management of ... (to ...) / 香格里拉 Shangri-la / 香港明天更好基金会 Better Hong Kong Foundation/ 香港特别行政区 Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)/ 下岗职工 laid-off workers / 下海 plunge into the commercial sea / 乡统筹,村提留 fees paid by farmers for overall township planning and village reserve/ 乡镇企业 township enterprises/ 闲散资金 scattered funds/ 先入为主 First impressions are firmly entrenched./ 先下手为强 catch the ball before the bound/ 享乐主义 hedonism/ 项目立项 approve and initiate a project / 项目申报 project application / 项目预算 project budget / 项目支持 project support / 像热锅上的蚂蚁 like an ant on a hot pan/ 向钱看 "mammonism, put money above all" / 险胜 "cliff-hanging win, narrow victory, nose out" / 嫌贫爱富 despise the poor and curry favor with the rich/ 销售景气指数 sales index/ 销项税 output tax/ 消费信贷 consumer credit services / 消费税 consumption tax / 消费者协会 consumers' association / 消费者权益日 International Day for Consumers' Rights and Interests / 消费者物价指数 consumer price index / 消费结构 pattern of consumption/ 吸收游资 absorb idle fund / 吸收存款 deposit taking/ 吸取世界文明成果 assimilate the achievements of civilzations the world over / 宵夜 a stoke of midnight / 夏至 Summer Solstice/ 现身说法 warn people by taking oneself as an example/ 现场直播 live broadcast / 现代企业制度 modern enterprise system; modern corporate system / 现货交易 cash market transactions; spot transactions/ 现金流量 cash flow/ 稀缺经济 scarcity economy/ 息事宁人 pour oil on troubled waters / 希望工程 Hope Project / 夕阳产业 sunset industry/ 喜忧参半 mingled hope and fear / 洗礼 baptism/ 洗钱 money laundering / 细菌战 germ war/ 县改市 county upgraded to city / 县级市 county-level city / 限制战略武器会谈 strategic arms limitation talks( SALT)/ 线下商贸运作 offline business operation / 西气东输 transmit the natural gas from the western areas to East China; West-East natural gas transmission project/ 西部大开发 Western Development/ 西电东送 transmit the electricity from the western areas to East China; West-East electricity transmission project/ 削减战略核武器会谈 strategic arms reduction talks (START) / 选美 beauty contest/ 选举人票 electoral vote / 选举人制 electoral system / 选举权和被选举权 the right to vote and the right to be elected / 学历教育 education with record of formal schooling / 学生处 students' affairs division / 学生减负 alleviate the burden on students / 学时 credit hours/ 学而优则仕 (a Confucian slogan for education) a good scholar can become an official; he who excels in study can follow an official career / 学分 credit points/ 熏青鱼,转移注意力的话,证券说明书,证券销售书 a red herring / 循序渐进 step by step/ 寻呼小姐 operators who work with paging centers / 寻呼台 paging centers / 巡航导弹 cruise missile/ 巡回招聘 milk round / 巡回医疗 medical tour/ 《信息技术协议》 ITA (Information Technology Agreement) / 《西行漫记》 Red Star over China / 《西厢记》 The Romance of West Chamber / 《西游记》 Pilgrimage to the West; Journey to the West
Y/ (领导人)与民众的直接对话 town hall conference/meeting / (祝愿…)一路平安,一路顺风 speed somebody on their way; speed the parting guest / 鹬蚌相争,渔人得利 "when the snip and the calm grapple, it is the fisherman who stands to benefit; two dogs strive for a bone, and a third runs away with it" / 瑜迦 Yoga/ 亚太经合组织领导人非正式会议 IAELM (Informal APEC Economic Leaders' Meetings) / 亚太经合组织部长级会议 AMM (APEC MinisteriaI Meeting) / 亚太经合组织工商咨询理事会会议 ABAC Meeting (APEC Business Advisory Council Meeting) / 亚太经合组织经济领导人会议 AELM (APEC Economic Leaders Meeting) / 亚太经济合作组织 APEC (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)/ 亚洲金融危机 financial crisis in Asia/ 亚洲开发银行 ADB(Asian Development Bank )/ 亚健康 subhealthy / 研究生毕业证/学位证 graduate diploma/graduate degree's diploma / 研究生成绩考试(美) Graduate Record Examination (GRE)/ 研究成果 research results / 严以律己,宽以待人 be strict with oneself and lenient towards others/ 严打措施 "Strike-Hard"" drive " / 严打斗争 "Strike-Hard Operation, campaign to crack down relentlessly on criminal activities" / 言情小说 romantic fiction; sentimental novel / 羊肉串小摊 barbecue stall / 洋务运动 Westernization Movement/ 阳春(最经济方式) no-frills / 眼前利益服从长远利益,局部利益服从整体利益,个人和集体利益服从国家利益 subordinate immediate interests to long-term interests, partial interests to overall interests and the interests of individuals and collectives to those of the state/ 演绎版 demo/ 压水花技术 rip entry / 压线(口令) Line! / 压轴戏 grand finale; last and best item on a theatrical program / 鸦片战争 Opium War/ 养老保险 endowment insurance / 养老金 pension / 养路费 road toll / 沿海经济开发区 open coastal economic area/ 鱼米之乡 a land of milk and honey/ 伊斯兰抵抗运动,简称 Hamas/ 意外风险 emergency risk; unknown risk/ 意向书 letter of intent/ 意大利粉 spaghetti/ 依法治国 manage state affairs according to law; run state affairs according to law/ 永久正常贸易关系 permanent normal trading relations (PNTR) / 忧患意识 awareness of unexpected development; being prepared for unexpected development; being prepared for any eventualities/ 溢价 premium / 溢价发行债券(以超过票面金额价发行债券) issue of bonds at a premium/ 有理,有利,有节 on just grounds, to one's advantage and with restraint; with good reason, with advantage and with restraint/ 有理想、有道德、有文化、有纪律 "with lofty ideals, integrety, knowledge and a strong sense of discipline" / 有情人终成眷属 "Jack shall have Jill, all shall be well." / 有钱能使鬼推磨 Money makes the mare go. Money talks./ 有识之士 people of vision/ 有望夺金者 a gold medal hopeful / 有勇无谋 use brawn rather than brain / 有缘千里来相会 Separated as we are thousands of miles apart, we come together as if by predestination./ 有战斗力、有说服力、有吸引力的思想工作队伍 a contingent of militant ideological workers able to persuade and act as a magnet for others/ 有中国特色的社会主义民主政治 a socilalist democracy with Chinese characteristics/ 有中国特色的社会主义道路 road of socialism with Chinese characteristics/ 有法可依,有法必依,执法必严,违法必究 There must be laws to go by, the laws must be observed and strictly enforced, and lawbreakers must be prosecuted./ 有个奔头 have something to look forward to; have somehthing to expect/ 有机农业 organic agriculture/ 运球 dribble / 与时俱进 advance with times/ 运载火箭 carrier rocket/ 议案 bill/ 邮递协议 Post Office Protocol (POP) / 与国际市场接轨 integrate with the world market; become integrated into the global market / 与国际惯例接轨 become compatible with internationally accepted practices/ 游乐场过山车 roller coaster/ 犹太人定居点 Jewish settlement/ 语音识别 speech recognition/ 晕菜 numbed; dumbfounded / 异地资金汇划 fund remittance between different places / 游资 idle money / fund; floating capital/ 友好城市 sister cities / 以......为龙头 with...as the leading role/ 以理服人 persuade through reasoning/ 域名(计算机) domain name (DN)/ 以市场为导向 market-oriented / 以人为本 people oriented; people foremost / 以上海浦东开发开放为龙头,进一步开放长江沿岸城市 open more cities along the Yangtze River, while concentrating on the development and opening of the Pudong Area of Shanghai/ 以身作则,廉洁奉公 set a good example and perform duties honestly/ 以权谋私 abuse of power for personal gains / 因特网服务提供者 Internet service provider (ISP)/ 以眼还眼,以牙还牙 an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth/ 以谋略制胜 outmaneuver / 音频点播 AOD (audio-on-demand) / 以质量求生存、求发展、求效益 "strive for survival, development and efficiency on the basis of quality" / 以质量求发展 strategy of development through quality; win the market with quality products / 以产定人,减员增效 employ workers in accordance with production needs and increase efficiency while reducing the staff/ 因材施教 teach students according to their aptitude / 因地制宜,因时制宜,因事制宜,因人制宜 suit our measures to differing conditions in terms of locality, time, issue and persons involved/ 因地制宜,合理分工,各展所长,优势互补,共同发展的原则 proceed in the light of local conditions and in accordance with a rational division of labor, with all the regions exploiting their own parricular advantages for mutual benefit and development/ 以讹传讹 incorrectly relay an erroneous message/ 以法治国,以德治国 to govern the country with law and moral/ 因果报应 karma/ 以公有制为主体,多种经济成分共同发展 the pattern with the public sector remaining dominant and diverse sectors of the economy developing side by side / 以经济建设为中心 focusing on the central task of economic construction / 以空间换取时间 trade space for time/ 以资证明 in witness whereof; in testimony thereof/ 欲穷千里目,更上一层楼 "to ascend another storey to see a thousand miles further; Ascend further, were you to look farther; Would eye embrace a thousand miles? Go up, one flight." / 欲速则不达 Haste does not bring success. / 育龄妇女 women of child-bearing age/ 引渡 extradite/ 引进技术 introduction of foreign talents; import of foreign talents/ 优势互补 (of two countries or companies) have complementary advantages / 优胜劣汰 survival of the fittest / 义务兵役制 "compulsory military service, conscription" / 义务教育 compulsory education / 义演 benefit performance; charity performance/ 义演收入 proceeds from benefit performance / 优质名牌商品 famous-brand, quality products/ 遗传工程 genetic engineering/ 义和团运动 Boxer Uprising / 优惠贷款 loans on favorable terms/ 优化结构 optimize structure / 优化经济结构 optimize the economic structure/ 优化资源配置 optimize the allocation of resources/ 优化组合 optimization grouping; optional regrouping / 移动通讯 mobile communication/ 移动电话双向收费 two-way charges for cellular phones / 摇钱树 cash cow / 摇头丸 dancing outreach / 印花税 stamp duty / tax/ 英雄所见略同 Great minds think alike./ 英国文化委员会 British Council of Culture / 预算外收入 extra-budgetary revenue/ 预算外支出 off-budget expenditure/ 预期寿命 life expectancy/ 婴儿死亡率 infant mortality rate/ 预防为主,谁污染谁治理和强化环境管理三大政策 three major principles for environment control: to put prevention first, to hold those who cause pollution responsible for cleaning up and to improve environmental protection and management/ 应试教育 examination-oriented education system / 应届毕业生 this year's graduates / 药物检查 "dope control, drug testing" / 冤家宜解不宜结 Better make friends than make enemies./ 冤假错案 "cases in which people were unjustly, falsely or wrongly charged or sentenced; unjust, false or wrong cases" / 营销管理 marketing management/ 元宵节 Lantern Festival / 营养不良 malnutrition/ 营业税 turnover tax; business tax / 原始资本 original capital/ 原油 crude oil/ 原产地保护 protection of place of origin/ 赢利能力 profitability/ 援藏干部 cadres sent to support/aid Tibet / 野生动物园 wildlife park; safari park / 影子内阁 shadow cabinet/ 硬通货 hard currency/ 硬道理 "absolute principle, top priority" / 圆寂 Parinirvana / 圆桌会议 round-table conference/ 业内人士 insider / 缘分 chemical, (as if by) predestination, be preordained to come together / 远期合同 forward contract / 远程办公的员工 telecommuting workers / 远程教育 distance learning / 远景规划 perspective long-term plan/ 远景计划 long-term development targets / 液晶显示屏 liquid crystal display (LCD) / 一揽子(计划) one-package (plan) / 一揽子购买 lump-sum purchase; basket purchase/ 一切向钱看 money-oriented/ 一手抓物质文明,一手抓精神文明;一手抓经济建设,一手抓民主法制;一手抓改革开放,一手抓打击犯罪惩治腐败 We must always work for material progress and at the same time for cultural and ethical progress; We should develop the economy and at the same time strengthen democracy and the legal system; We should promote reform and opening to the outside world and at the same time fight crime and punish corruption. / 一式两联 (receipt or invoice) in duplicate / 一线员工 worker at the production line / 一言既出,驷马难追 A real man never goes back on his words. / 一支接一支不停地抽烟 chain smoke / 一次性解决问题 solve the problem once and for all / 一次性筷子 throwaway chopsticks / 一大二公 (concerning the people's commune) large in size and collective in nature / 一刀切 cut it even at one stroke--make it rigidly uniform; impose uniformity in all cases; allow no flexibility / 一帆风顺 Wishing you every success/ 一方有难,八方支援 When disaster struck, help came from all sides./ 一个中心,两个基本点 one central task, two basic points/ 一国两制 "One country, two systems" / 一级市场 primary market / 医疗制度改革 reform of the medicare system / 医疗保险 medical insurance / 越境污染 trans-frontier pollution/ 跃居世界前列(产量) (output) leap into the front ranks of the world/ 易拉罐 pop can / 幼稚产业 infant industries/ 幼稚工业 infant industry/ 易爆发战争的地区 war-prone areas/ 银行网点 bank outlets / 银弹外交 money diplomacy; dollar diplomacy; "silver bullet" diplomacy/ 隐形牧人 invisible income; off-payroll income/ 隐形飞机 stealth aircraft / 隐形轰炸机 stealth bomber/ 隐性收入 invisible income; off-payroll income; side money / 隐性失业 recessive unemployment/ 隐性就业 unregistered employment / 舆论导向 direction of public opinion / 舆论监督 supervision by public opinion / 薏米 seed of Job's tears / (重要而难懂的)专门术语 buzzword ; jargon

