

分类: 英语词汇 
TAB Tape Automated Bonding
TACS Total Access Communication System
TAD Telephone Answering Device
TAP Telelocator Alphanumeric Protocol
TAPCIS The Access Program for the CompuServe
Information Service
TAPI Telephony Applications Programming Interface
.tar Tape Archive (archived file name extension) [Unix]
.tar.Z Compressed Archived files (file name extension) [Unix]
TAS Telephone Access Server
TASM Turbo Assembler [Borland]
TAXI Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver/Receiver Interface
TB Terabyte (1,024 gigabytes)
(One Thousand Billion characters of information)
T/B and
TBBS The Bread Board System (BBS)
TBGA Tape Ball Grid Array
.TBK Toolbook (file name extension)
TBU Tape Backup Unit
TC Test Control + Transmission Control
TCL Tool Command Language
TCM Trellis-Coded Modulation
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCP Tape-Carrier Package
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TD Transmit Data
TDC Tabular Data Control
TDD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf
TDtoDP Tablet Coordinates to Display Coordinates
TDE Terminal Display Editor
.TDF Trace Definition File (file name extension) [OS/2] +
Typeface Definition File (file name extension)
TDI Transport Device Interface
TDM Technical document Management +
Time Division Multiplexing
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
TDMS Terminal Display Management System
TDP Tag Distribution Protocol [Cisco] +
Telelocator Data Protocol
TDSR Transmitter Data Service Request
TDR Time Domain Reflectometry
TE/2 Terminal Emulator/2 [Oberon]
TEB Thread Environment Block
TEC Tokyo Electronics Corporation
TED Tiny Editor
TEI Terminal Endpoint Identifier
TELCO Telephone Company
TEML Turbo Editor Macro Language [Borland]
TEMP Temporary
TER Thermal Eclipse Reading [Sony]
TERMPWR Terminator Power
TFDD Text File Device Driver
TFEL Thin-Film Electroluminescent
.TFM Tagged Font Metric (file name extension)
TFT Thin-Film Transistor (screens)
TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
.THD Thread (file name extension)
THOMAS The (U.S.) House (of Representatives) Open Multimedia
Access System
THOR Tandy High-Performance Optical Recording
THR Transmit Holding Register
.THS Thesaurus (file name extension)
TI Texas Instruments, Inc.
TIA Telecommunications Industry Association +
The Internet Adapter [Internet]
TID Target ID
TIES Time Independent Escape Sequence
.TIF Tagged Image File (filename extension)
TIFF Tagged Image File Format
TIGA Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture
TIGER ologically Integrated Geographic Encoding
and Referencing
TIIAP Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure
Assistance Program [NII]
TIM Technical Information Memo [Compaq]
TIMEZONES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - GMT Offsets
Offsets Eastward from GMT (+)
Offsets Westward from GMT (-)
AST - Atlantic Standard Time -4:00
AT - Azores Time -2:00
AHD - Alaska-Hawaii Daylight :::
AHS - Alaska-Hawaii Standard -10:00
BLT - Baghdad Local Time +3:00
BST - British Summer Time :::
CAT - Central Alaska Time -10:00
CCT - China Coast Time +8:00
CDT - Central Daylight Time :::
CET - Central European Time +1:00
CLT - Cairo Local Time +2:00
CST - Central Standard Time -6:00
EAD - East Australian Daylight :::
EAS - East Australian Standard +10:00
EDT - Eastern Daylight Time :::
EET - Eastern European Time +1:00
EMT - Eastern Mediterranean +2:00
EST - Eastern Standard Time -5:00
GMT - Greenwich Mean Time +0:00
HST - Hawaii Standard Time -10:00
JST - Japanese Standard Time +9:00
MDT - Mountain Daylight Time :::
MET - Middle European Time +1:00
MST - Mountain Standard Time -7:00
MTS - Moscow Time Standard +3:00
MTD - Moscow Time Daylight :::
NT - Nome Time -11:00
NZT - New Zealand Time +12:00
PDT - Pacific Daylight Time :::
PST - Pacific Standard Time -8:00
PST - Pakistan Standard Time +5:00
WAS - West Australian Standard +7:00
WAT - West Africa Time -1:00
WED - Western Europe Daylight :::
WES - Western Europe Standard +0:00
YDT - Yukon Daylight Time :::
YST - Yukon Standard Time -9:00
IDLE- International Date Line East +12:00
IDLW- International Date Line West -12:00
TIMI Technology Independent Machine Interface [IBM]
TIMS Text Information Management Systems
TINA Telecommunication Information Networking Architecture
TIP Terminal Interface Processor +
Transaction Internet Protocol
TITOFET Tunneling-In, Tunneling-Out Field Effect Transistor
TK/TK Track to Track
TLA Three-Letter Acronym
TLB Translation Lookaside Buffer
.TLB Table (file name extension)
TLD Level Domain
TLI Transport Layer Interface
TLS Transport Layer Security
TLU Table Lookup
.TLX Telex (file name extension)
TM Trademark
TMDS Transition Minimized Differential Signaling
.TML Template (file name extension)
TMP Temporary
TN Twisted Nematic
TNC Terminal Node Controller
TNO The Netherlands Organization
ToC Table Of Contents
TOD Time Of Day
Technical and Office Protocol
TPC Transaction-Processing Performance Council
TPF Transactions Processing Facility [IBM]
TPI Tracks Per Inch
TPL Table Producing Language +
Transaction Processing Language
TPM Transactions Per Minute
TPORT Twisted Pair Port Transceiver [AT&T]
TPS Transactions Per Second +
Transaction Processing System
TPW Turbo Pascal for Windows
TQFP Thin Quad Flat Pack
TQM Total Quality Management
TR Terminal Ready
T/R Transmit/Receive
TRACERT Trace Route [Microsoft]
TRADIC * Transistorized Airborne Digital Computer
(Name of first computer to be entirely
.TRM Terminal (file name extension)
TRN Threaded Read News [Internet] + Token Ring Network
TRON The Real-Time Operating System Nucleus
TS Secret
TSA Target Service Agent + Technical Support Alliance +
Telephony Services Architecture
TSAPI Telephony Services Application Program
Interface [AT&T + Novell]
TSB Termination Status Block
TSD Type-Specific Driver
TSE The Semware Editor
TSO Time Sharing Option
TSP Telephony Service Provider
TSR Terminate and Stay Resident
TSS Task State Segment + Time Sharing System
TS/SI Secret/Sensitive Information
.TST Test (file name extension)
TSTN Triple Supertwisted Nematic
TSV Tab Separated values
TT Typewriter Text
TTA Transport-Triggered Architecture
TTCN Tree and Tabular Combined Notation
.TTF TrueType Font (file name extension)
TTL Transistor-Transistor Logic
TTP Thermal-Transfer Printing
TTS Text-To-Speech + Transaction Tracking System
TTY Teletype
TUCOWS The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software
TUI Text-Based User Interface [WordPerfect]
TUMS Table Update and Management System [Stanford University]
.TUT Tutorial (file name extension)
TVF Table of contents Verbosely from File [UNIX]
TVFS Toronto Virtual File System [IBM]
TVI Television Interference
TVOL Television On-Line
TWAIN Technology Without Any Interesting Name
(connection between application and scanner software)
TWX Teletypewriter Exchange Service
TXD Transmit Data
.TXF Tax Exchange Format (file name extension)
TXT Text
TXT2STF Text To Structured File [Lotus Agenda]
TZ Time Zone [Unix]

