

分类: 英语词汇 

Standard for the Design and Installation of Oxygen-Fuel Gas Systems for Welding, Cutting, and Allied Processes焊接、切割及相关用途的氧气燃料系统的设计、安装标准
Standard for Acetylene Cylinder Charging Plants乙炔钢瓶充气厂标准
Standard for Fire Prevention During Welding, Cutting, and Other Hot Work焊接、切割及其它动火施工的防火标准
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code处置天燃气(CNG)汽车燃料系统规范
Recommended Practice on Materials, Equipment and Systems Used in Oxygen-Enriched Atmospheres富氧环境下材料、装置和系统推荐实施规程
National Fuel Gas Code国家燃油气体标准 2002年版
National Fuel Gas Code Handbook, 2002 edition国家燃油气体标准手册 02版
National Fuel Gas Code Handbook, 2002 CD-ROM Edition国家燃油气体标准手册CD 02版
Standard for the Storage, Use, and Handling of Compressed and Liquefied Gases in Portable Cylinders轻便式瓶装处置液化气的储存、使用和处理标准 2003年版
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Vehicular Fuel Systems Code液化天然气体车载系统标准
Liquefied Petroleum Gas Code液化石油气标准
Utility LP-Gas Plant Code公用煤气站中液化石油气的储存与处理标准
Standard for the Production, Storage, and Handling of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)液化天然气的生产、储存与处理标准
Standard for the Prevention of Fires and Dust Explosions in Agricultural and Food Products Facilities农业和食品业设备防火和防尘标准
Guide for Venting of Deflagrations爆燃通风指南
Standard on Explosion Prevention Systems防爆系统标准
National Electrical Code(r) 国家电气规范
National Electrical Code(r) Handbook 国家电气规范手册
Electrical Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings and Mobile Homes单户和双户居室和移动居室的电子标准
Recommended Practice for Electrical Equipment Maintenance电子设备维护的推荐操作 2002年版
Standard for Electrical Safety Requirements for Employee Workplaces工作区域电子安全要求标准
National Fire Alarm Code(r)国家火灾报警规范
National Fire Alarm Code(r) Handbook国家火灾报警规范手册
National Fire Alarm Code Handbook CD-ROM, 2002 edition国家火灾报警规范手册CD 02版
Electrical Inspection Code for Existing Dwellings一至二户住宅的电气维修规范
Standard for the Protection of Electronic Computer/Data Processing Equipment电子计算机/数据处理设备的保护标准
Recommended Practice for the Fire Protection of Telecommunications Facilities电子通讯设备防火推荐操作
Recommended Practice on Static Electricity静电的推荐实施规程
Electrical Standard for Industrial Machinery工业机器电子标准
Standard for Fire Doors and Fire Windows防火门窗标准
Recommended Practice for Protection of Buildings from Exterior Fire Exposures建筑物内部放火和防暴推荐操作
Standard on Incinerators and Waste and Linen Handling Systems and Equipment焚化炉及废品和亚麻品处理系统的标准
Boiler and Combustion Systems Hazards Code锅炉与燃烧系统的危险等级标准
Standard for Ovens and Furnaces烘箱与熔炉标准
Standard for Industrial Furnaces Using a Special Processing Atmosphere使用经处理的气体作燃料的工业熔炉标准
Standard for Industrial Furnaces Using Vacuum as an Atmosphere真空工业熔炉标准
Standard for Parking Structures停车厂建筑标准
Standard for Repair Garages修车库标准

