

分类: 英语词汇 

government bonds 政府债券

fiscal credibility 财政信用

special deductions 特殊扣减

bipartisan committee 两党委员会

congressional committee process 国会委员会程序

reserve currency 储备货币

financing cost 融资成本

debt ceiling crisis 债务限额危机

raise the debt limit 提高借债上限

reduce the deficit/deficit cutting 削减赤字

budget deficit 预算赤字

federal deficit 联邦赤字

tax breaks 税收减免/税额优惠

entitlement reform and tax reform 津贴改革和税收改革

consumer confidence 消费者信心

business confidence 企业信心

the debt talks/debate   债务(限额)谈判

debt default 债务违约

debt ceiling 债务上限,债务最高限额

borrowing limit 借款限额

brinkmanship 边缘政策

borrowing capacity 借贷能力

balanced budget 预算平衡

reserve requirement ratio  存款准备金率

stock market 股票市场

Debt Ceiling Bill 债务上限法案

tax code 税法

budget act 预算法案

annual domestic spending 年度国内开支

abrupt deficit cut 减赤过急

degrade 评级下调

