

分类: 英语词汇 

扩大赤字 expand deficit

激活力、补短板、强实体 incentivize market entities, strengthen weak links and boost the real economy

自我革命 self-targeted revolution

你若喜爱你自己的价值,你就得给世界创造价值 If you want to love your own value, you must create value for the world.

人才红利 talent dividend

产业结构调整优化“跨了栏” the adjustment and improvement of industrial structure has progressed by leaps and bounds

“大水漫灌”式的强刺激 indiscriminate strong economic stimulus

放松银根 ease monetary policy

对体制性障碍“拆藩篱”remove systemic obstacles

对结构性矛盾“动手术” address structural problems

弥补发展中的“短板”,做强实体经济的“筋骨” strengthen weak links in development and in the real economy

树立起互利共赢的新标杆 set up a new model of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation

和而不同 harmony without uniformity

多元一体 unity in diversity

掘井九轫,必得其水 You will surely see water coming out if you really dig deep enough

共谋贸易发展“大棋局” make a "grand strategy" to promote growth in trade

推动投资进入“快车道” take bilateral investment onto the "fast track"

开辟创新合作“深海域” explore the "deep ocean" of cooperation on innovation

信念能移山 Faith can move mountains

